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Political arguments and rhetoric in academic writing

Event Label
Location Description
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3,1070 Vienna, room DG18 (meeting room)

In this workshop, we will look at political rhetoric, modes of argumentation, and styles. We will raise the question which of these can find their way into academic writing and which should be avoided. 

Academic texts should promote insight, justify the knowledge they convey and put it up for discussion. Some argue that science should be neutral. However, representatives of situated knowledge and critical epistemology question whether neutrality is possible. On the one hand, biographical, socio-political and historical positionalities inevitably influence research. On the other hand, in terms of critical and emancipatory science, it is desirable for science to be oriented towards ethical values and political goals. But how can we write politically in scientific texts without manipulating knowledge, patronizing readers and defaming opposing positions?

In this workshop, we will look at political rhetoric, modes of argumentation, and styles. We will raise the question which of these can find their way into academic writing and which should be avoided. And why? Criteria will be developed and critically discussed on the basis of specific text examples. The goal is not a universally valid catalog. Rather, all participants will develop a suitable collection for themselves, which can and should also be varied depending on the context.

On this basis, participants will write their own short text passages. These can be presented in the workshop or provided in writing. It is also possible to bring in material that is already available, published or in progress. We will take the time to work on these texts together, so that at the end of the workshop the participants will have texts that they can present to the public in a convincing and persuasive manner.

The guiding questions are: 

  • How does a political opinion become a well-founded conviction and a conviction turn into a scientifically tenable argument?
  • How can readers be encouraged to reflect and form their own opinions?
  • How can opposing positions be treated respectfully, but countered with precise and convincing formulations? 

Target group: Doctoral students


Date | Wed 11 Dec. 2024: 10:00 – 15:00 
Content | Rhetorical styles, discussion of text examples, developing criteria

Date | Thu 12 Dec 2024: 10:00 – 14:00
Content | writing and presenting text samples, editing the texts (small groups), feedback and reflection in the plenary 

Preparation and registration

Please send by Dec 2, 2024 a short sample text (approx. 1 A4 page; your own text or by someone else) that seems suitable for discussion in the group and for developing criteria. Add 3-5 sentences explaining why this text was chosen.
You can register to the workshop, if you are enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna or University of Arts Linz.
Please register until the latest December 2, 2024 via with the subject "Workshop December 2024" and a current certification of enrollment.
The workshop is limited for max. 15 persons (first come, first serve).


The workshop will be held in English.

Short biography

Antke Antek Engel (xie*; they/them) holds a PhD in philosophy and runs the iQt - Institute for Queer Theory in Berlin, which they founded 2006. Engel has worked as a freelance researcher and as a visiting professor for gender and queer studies since 1995. They have written several monographs (Wider die Eindeutigkeit, 2002; Bilder von Sexualität und Ökonomie, 2009; Queer Theorie - Queer_Pädagogik, 2024), co-edited Hegemony and Heteronormativity (2011) and Global Justice and Desire: Queering Economy (2015), and publishes both academically and in arts and culture. Engel directs the international iQt colloquium Queer Arts and Politics, has supervised writing groups and text productions, works as a copy editor and is co-editor of InterAlia. A Journal of Queer Studies. IG: @engel_queerversing