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List of entries

  • Ambivalences of Modernity. The Architect and City Planner Roland Rainer Between Dictatorship and Democracy.

    How did modernist architecture interact with political systems? And how can biographical gaps in architectural archives be explained and filled? Taking Roland Rainer as an example, both of these questions were the subject of investigation in an FWF research project. This symposium presents a discussion of the results of this cooperation between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Architekturzentrum Wien.


    Various locations

    Art and Architecture

  • The Amount of Things

    Collaborative performance within the BIP Blended Intensive Program (ERASMUS +) between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and the Estonian Academy of Arts. Organized by the Department of Scenography.


    Studio Building/ Prospekthof, gate 2

    Art and Architecture

    The image shows a poster with a purple to violet gradient background. At the top of the poster, there is a short text in white:
"A unique collaborative wardrobe performance where clothes become protagonists, created by students from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp and the Estonian Academy of Arts. "
Below this text, three large coat hangers are arranged in the center of the poster, forming a stylized triangle. Each hanger contains the name of a city in large white letters with a red outline:
- On the left: "Antwerp"
- On the right: "Tallinn"
- At the bottom: "Vienna"
In the middle of the triangle, in large white letters, it says: "The Amount of Things."
Below the hangers are the event details, written in white:
"Saturday, 19th October 2024 
8 PM 
Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna 
(Tor 2 – Prospekthof) 
Admission: Free"
At the bottom of the poster, there are the logos of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Estonian Academy of Arts and the EU Cofunding.
  • Free Republic of Vienna - Wiener Festwochen

    23 scenographers from the scenography class under the direction of Nina von Mechow spent two semesters developing the central spaces of the Free Republic of Vienna. The Free Republic of Vienna is a project by Wiener Festwochen.


    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Führungen mit der Klasse für Bühnengestaltung

    Eine Führung durch das "Haus der Republik" mit der Klasse für Bühnengestaltung (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien).


    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Wien

    Art and Architecture

  • Guided tours with the scenography class

    A tour of the “House of the Republic” with the scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as part of the Wiener Festwochen.

    Guided tour

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

  • Wöchentlicher Stammtisch

    Die Bühnenbildklasse der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien lädt zum wöchentlichen Stammtisch im Volkskundemuseum/Haus der Republik ein!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Wien

    Art and Architecture

  • Weekly Stammtisch

    The scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna invites you to the weekly get-together in the Volkskundemuseum/House of the Republic!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Hala Wardé: From the Accident of the Museum to the Museum of the Accident

    Lecture within the framework of the studio “The Museum of the Accident”, Introduction by Ines Weizman.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    Room 211a

    Art and Architecture

  • Re(Generation) - Lecture by Thomas Daniell

    A lecture by Thomas Daniell, Professor of Architectural History, Theory, and Criticism at Kyoto University, Japan. Organized by the Institute for Artand Architecture.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    Room 211a

    Art and Architecture

  • Wöchentlicher Stammtisch

    Die Bühnenbildklasse der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien lädt zum wöchentlichen Stammtisch im Volkskundemuseum/Haus der Republik ein!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Wien

    Art and Architecture

  • Weekly Stammtisch

    The scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna invites you to the weekly get-together in the Volkskundemuseum/House of the Republic!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Führungen mit der Klasse für Bühnengestaltung

    Eine Führung durch das "Haus der Republik" mit der Klasse für Bühnengestaltung (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien).


    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Wien

    Art and Architecture

  • Guided tours with the scenography class

    A tour of the “House of the Republic” with the scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna as part of the Wiener Festwochen.

    Guided tour

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Wöchentlicher Stammtisch

    Die Bühnenbildklasse der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien lädt zum wöchentlichen Stammtisch im Volkskundemuseum/Haus der Republik ein!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Wien

    Art and Architecture

  • Weekly Stammtisch

    The scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna invites you to the weekly get-together in the Volkskundemuseum/House of the Republic!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Deconstructing Modernity

    Theo Deutinger/TD architects, Salzburg in dialogue with Tom Schoonjans / Rotor, Brussels

    Moderated / curated by Anastassia Smirnova-Berlin and Alexander Sverdlov within the framework of the OFF GRID Dialogues lecture series at IKA


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Weekly Stammtisch

    The scenography class of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna invites you to the weekly get-together in the Volkskundemuseum/House of the Republic!

    Volkskundemuseum Wien
    Laudongasse 15-19
    1080 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Communal Material

    Anupama Kundoo/AK architects, Berlin in dialogue Maria Lisogorskaya/Assemble, London. Moderated / curated by Anastassia Smirnova-Berlin and Alexander Sverdlov within the framework of the OFF GRID Dialogues lecture series at Institute for Art and Architecture.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Wien
    Room 211a

    Art and Architecture

    Cloud floating in a warehouse in blue
  • (No) Rules

    James Taylor-Foster/ArkDes, Stockholm in dialogue with Olaf Grawert/, Berlin.
    Moderated / curated by Anastassia Smirnova-Berlin and Alexander Sverdlov within the framework of the OFF GRID Dialogues lecture series at IKA.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    room 211a

    Art and Architecture

  • Ziviltechnikerinnen gestalten Zukunft

    Digital travelling exhibition in cooperation with Bundeskammer der Ziviltechniker:innen Österreich | Arch+Ing.

    Digital Exhibition

    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna
    2. floor, Wallmonitor next to room 213

    Art and Architecture

    Drawing of a woman sitting at a table
  • Wollbau

    Lecture by Folke Köbberling within the Lecture Series at the Institute for Art and Architecture, WS 2023/24
    Curated by Michelle Howard, Adam Hudec, Veronika Miskovicova and Eva Sommeregger in collaboration with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • YEAH, BUT IS IT TECHNOLOGY? Yes of Course!

    Lecture Series at the Institute for Art and Architecture, WS 2023/24
    Curated by Michelle Howard, Adam Hudec, Veronika Miskovicova and Eva Sommeregger in collaboration with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.

    Lecture Series

    Art and Architecture

  • Textiles, Technology and Design 3000 years ago

    Lecture by Karina Grömer within the Lecture Series at the Institute for Art and Architecture, WS 2023/24
    Curated by Michelle Howard, Adam Hudec, Veronika Miskovicova and Eva Sommeregger in collaboration with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Yeah, but is it Economy?

    Lecture by Clive Spash within the Lecture Series at the Institute for Art and Architecture, WS 2023/24
    Curated by Michelle Howard, Adam Hudec, Veronika Miskovicova and Eva Sommeregger in collaboration with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna

    Art and Architecture

  • Postponed: The New Enclosures: From tall border fences to our new technofeudal order

    Lecture by Yanis Varoufakis within the framework of the Otto Wagner Lectures 2023 in cooperation with the Bruno Kreisky Forum and the Department of Political Sciences, University of Vienna is postponed.


    Studio Building/ Prospekthof, gate 2

    Art and Architecture

  • The Loaf and the Laptop

    Lecture by Tim Ingold within the Lecture Series at the Institute for Art and Architecture, WS 2023/24
    Curated by Michelle Howard, Adam Hudec, Veronika Miskovicova and Eva Sommeregger in collaboration with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.


    UMPRUM Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague

    Online via Zoom

    Art and Architecture

  • The Arc: Design and Construction

    Lecture by Ibuku within the Lecture Series at the Institute for Art and Architecture, WS 2023/24
    Curated by Michelle Howard, Adam Hudec, Veronika Miskovicova and Eva Sommeregger in collaboration with the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague.


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna

    Online via Zoom

    Art and Architecture

  • Ruptured Landscapes

    Lecture Series curated by Aristide Antonas, Geography Landscapes Cities, winter term 22/23 and summer term 2023

    Installation and Lectures

    Art and Architecture

  • LOTZ Performance

    In the context of OPEN SPACE/PERFORMANCE Scenography.


    Lehárgasse 8
    3. floor, 21g

    Art and Architecture

  • Nora, a scenic reading for four drafts

    In the context of OPEN SPACE/PERFORMANCE Scenography.


    Lehárgasse 8
    3. floor, 21g

    Art and Architecture