Graduation Survey
The Graduation Survey asks the opinions of graduates of Bachelor's, Diploma or Master degrees about their completed studies and their experiences at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Retrospective assessments and feedback from graduates provides a basis to point out supporting and less supporting factors and conditions during their time of study at the Academy. The results give an overview of the qualities of the Academy as perceived by students and provides suggestions for improvements or further developments, particularly so in the following areas:
- Access to programs of study
- Curricula, competencies and skills taught
- Teaching and didactic methods
- Feedback to and supervision from teachers
- Service and support
- Infrastructure
- General academic conditions
- Equality of opportunity and anti-discrimination
Results (Key Findings in English, Report in German only)
- Studienabschluss-Befragung - Absolvent_innen der Studienjahre 2019/20 bis 2021/22
- Studienabschluss-Befragung - Absolvent_innen der Studienjahre 2019/20 bis 2021/22, Zusatzbericht_Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt
- Studienabschluss-Befragung - Absolvent_innen der Studienjahre 2019/20 bis 2021/22, Zusatzbericht_Institut für Konservierung-Restaurierung