List of entries
VERGANGENHEIT VERGEGENWÄRTIGEN - Positionen zur Dauerausstellung “Unsere Stadt! Jüdisches Wien von 1945 bis Heute”
Studierende der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien zeigen künstlerische Interventionen in der Dauerausstellung des Jüdischen Museum Wien.
Eröffnung: 26.6.2024, 18:30 hAusstellung
Jüdisches Museum Wien
Dorotheergasse 11
1010 WienArt Theory and Cultural Studies
Tom Holert: „ca. 1972“
Book presentation with Tom Holert, organised by Sabeth Buchmann and Jens Kastner, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies.
Book presentation
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Devika Singh - International Departures: Art in India after Independence
Lecture and book presentation by Devika Singh, organized by the Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies (IKW).
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
OFF_screen with Guillaume Cailleau
Zoom Webinar von Off_screen (Karø Goldt und Michaela Schwentner) in begleitender Kooperation mit der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann IKW
Online via Zoom
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Avantgarde & Liberation - Künstler_innengespräch mit Robert Gabris, Jojo Gronostay, Iman Issa, Janine Jembere und Christian Kravagna
Ein Gespräch im Rahmen der Ausstellung Avant-Garde and Liberation im mumok, die von Christian Kravagna (IKW) kuratiert wird .
Artist Talk
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Avantgarde & Liberation - Public Conversation with artist Moffat Takadiwa
Talk with Moffat Takadiwa as part of the series of events for the exhibition Avantgarde & Liberation in cooperation with the PhD in Practice and mumok Vienna
Artist Talk
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Belligerent Accumulation. Natural Right, Valorization, and Aesthetics in Colonial Modernity.
Eine Konferenz im Zusammenhang eines binationalen Forschungsprojekts zwischen der Europa-Universität Viadrina in FfO und der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.
Europa Universität Viadrina
Logenstr. 11
Frankfurt (Oder)Art Theory and Cultural Studies
PASS(ED) ON: Narrativization of vernacular archives within intergenerational and transnational memory transfer
This three-day symposium at the University of Arts Linz deals with vernacular and family archives from the 20th century. Throughout three panels and a round table, we present different academic and artistic research projects that investigate distinct modes of intergenerational and transnational memory transfer.
University of Arts Linz
Hauptplatz 6
4020 Linz
Hörsaal C, 5. OGArt Theory and Cultural Studies
Art and (Anti)Fascism. Left Exhibition History in West Germany
Lecture by Friederike Sigler
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Flexibler Faschismus
Book presentation and discussion with Drehli Robnik, author, edutainer and essayist in Vienna, Renée Winter, Institute for Contemporary History, University of Vienna and Jens Kastner, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Book presentation
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Die Subalternen: Ursprung und Entwicklung eines postkolonialen Schlüsselbegriffs
Lecture and book presentation and discussion with Ingo Pohn-Lauggas. Organized by Jenst Kastner, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Book presentation
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Conceptual labour and object immersion. Philosophy in aesthetics – aesthetics in philosophy
The research workshop invites 10 international guests to discuss recent questions concerning the reciprocal permeation of aesthetic and philosophical theory and practice. As part of the FWF research project Mediated Autonomy. Ideal and Reality of Aesthetic Practice.
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
In/Visibilizations – In/Visibilizaciones. De(s)coloniality and Art (by artists from Latin America in Vienna)
Conference and exhibition on decoloniality and art with artists from Latin America in Vienna. With Carla Bobadilla, daniela brill estrada, Imayna Caceres, Roberta Lima, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt und Mariel Rodriguez Rodriguez.
Schillerplatz/ Aula
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
In/Visibilizations – In/Visibilizaciones. De(s)coloniality and Art (by artists from Latin America in Vienna)
Conference on decoloniality and art with artists from Latin America in Vienna. With Carla Bobadilla, daniela brill estrada, Imayna Caceres, Roberta Lima, Verena Melgarejo Weinandt und Mariel Rodriguez Rodriguez.
Schillerplatz/ Aula
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Sich nicht Dumm machen lassen – Zeitgemäße Kritische Theorie
Lecture by Alex Demirović on the occasion of the new edition of the book: Der Nonkonformistische Intellektuelle - Von der kritischen Theorie zur Frankfurter Schule
With a commentary by Ruth Sonderegger, Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Moderation: Johan F. Hartle, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts ViennaBook presentation
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Looting and Totality. Launch event for Diversity of Aesthetics vol.3.
Book presentation of Looting, 3rd volume by Diversity of Aesthetics editorial project with Marina Vishmidt and Jose Rosales.
Book Presentation
Schillerplatz/ M20
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Study Info - Master in Critical Studies
Online information from the student representatives for those interested in the Master in Critical Studies program
Study Info
Online via Zoom
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
What is To Be Done? Irony, Estrangement and Truth-Telling in the Time of an Unhinged World
A two-day symposium with film screenings by Chto Delat, an internationally acclaimed collective of artists and researchers, founded in St Petersburg in 2003-2004. The event will be moderated and presented by the members of the collective with contributions from guest speakers.
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Goddess In Art
A screening of an episode of the Goddesses docu by filmmaker Laura Hirch followed by a discussion.
Schillerplatz/ Conference room
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
PhD in Practice, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Information session on the application period: February 1-29, 2024.
Beginning of studies: October 1, 2024Study information
Online via Zoom
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Vom Spiegelbild zum Bild
Lecture by Mag. Dr. Eva Wolfram-Ertl.
Schillerplatz/ M20
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Study Day with Emmelyn Butterfield-Rosen
The Study Day is comprised of a workshop (10–13 h) on The Human Figure in Modern Art. Nijinsky's L‘Après-midi d'un faune (1912) and a book presentation & discussion (17–18 h).Workshop and Lecture
Schillerplatz/ Conference room
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
PhD in Praxis, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Informationsveranstaltung zum Bewerbungszeitraum: 1.-29. Februar 2024
Beginn des Studiums: 1. Oktober 2024Studieninformation
Online via Zoom
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
PhD in Practice, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Information session on the application period: February 1-29, 2024.
Beginning of studies: October 1, 2024Study information
Online via Zoom
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
GKN in Vienna: Connecting climate and worker's struggles
The event is a cooperation between Academy of Fine Arts (IKW/ MA Critical Studies), University of Applied Arts (Art and Communication Practices), System Change not Climate Change and Arbeiterkammer Wien.
Panel discussion
University of Applied Arts
Vordere Zollamtstraße 7
1030 ViennaArt Theory and Cultural Studies
MAPUCHE TA IÑCHIÑ. Decolonial Art, memory and territory
Invitation to talk and reflect on Wallmapu, from a critical creative consciousness of the arts, through processes of resistance, revitalization and aesthetic emancipation.
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Book presentation - reading - discussion with Hanna Mittelstädt
Organized by Andreas Pavlic, Eva Schörkhuber and Jens Kastner.
Book presentation
Schillerplatz/ M20
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Painted Caves as Media
Lecture by Dr. Stuart Kendal
Schillerplatz/ Conference room
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Diffracted remainders of the subject? Beings in common, relations, and transformations
Given this troubled history of liberatory thinking, how can we, then, conceive of agency, resistance, and freedom? The mini-conference invites contributions that challenge the legacy of the Western subject in providing critiques and critical genealogies of subjectivity and subjectivation and in exploring relationalities, modes of being in common, and social experiments that testify the possibility for political transformation beyond the subject.
With kind support from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Critical Education in International Perspective
Book presentation with Rubia Salgado (das kollektiv, Linz), Peter Mayo (University of Malta), and Paolo Vittoria (Federico II University of Naples). Both the presentation and the discussion will be in English.
Book presentation
Schillerplatz/ M20
Art Theory and Cultural Studies