Tasks of the Works Council
According to § 38 of the Austrian Labor Constitution Act (ArbVG), the Works Council is appointed as the body responsible for staff matters relating to the perception and support of the economic, social, health-related and cultural interests of the members of staff.
All services rendered by the Works Council are regulated by the provisions of the Austrian Labor Constitution Act (ArbVG). It provides all members of staff with the right to participate in all matters pertaining to issues that affect staff.
The council representing staff is duty bound to ensure that all statutes, ordinances, agreements, official regulations, enactments and decrees benefiting members of staff are complied with and enforced.All rights of participation held by the civil servants employed by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, are specified in § 9 of the Austrian Federal Personnel Representation Law ( Bundespersonalvertretungsgesetz ). Therefore, the Works Council for civil servants will continue in its function of a staff committee ( Dienststellenausschuss ).
We represent the interests of all contract staff ( Vertragsbedienstete ), employees, student workers, project staff employed in administration or maintenance, civil servants, and apprentices from the university staff.
In order to fulfil our tasks, we strive to ensure that all relevant laws, ordinances, contracts and collective agreements are complied with and implemented, to the benefit of our employees.