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Admission Non-degree Studies and Co-Registration

Non-degree studies include visiting individual courses in theoretical subjects. Please note that for non-degree students especially the participation in artistic subjects is not possible.

The respective dates for admission (the so-called Continuing student registrations) can be found under Calender Dates

First registration for non-degree studies: you have to do the online-registration: and upload the following documents.

Admission as a non-degree student requires the following documentation:

  • Valid passport or proof of citizenship including official photo identification
  • Proof of social security number (if applicable)

The co-registration entitles regular students of another Austrian University for attending individual courses at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Please note that the first co-registration as well as the continuation of co-registration is only possible during the general registration.

First co-registration: you have to do the online-registration: and upload the “Studienblatt” and a scan of your Student ID.

Continuation of co-registration: in person at the Registrar’s Office or via e-mail to Please note, that for the continuation of co-registration the above mentioned documents are necessary too.

The co-registration ends, if the student does not renew his co-registration until the end of registration.