Tasks of the Rectorate
The Rectorat is held by Rector Johan Frederik Hartle together with Ingeborg Erhart (Vice-Rector for Art and Teaching) and Werner Skvara (Vice-Rector for Infrastructure and Sustainability). The Rector's Office is head of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and acts as its representative in public affairs. The Academy's governing bodies, according to the Universities Act 2002, are the University Council (Universitätsrat), the Rector's Office, the Rector, and the Senate. Their respective tasks and duties are regulated in the Universities Act 2002.
The responsibilities of the members of the Rectorat are regulated in the latter's rules of internal procedure, and its second term is four years, which means that the current team will be in charge until September 30, 2027.
The Rector's Office is responsible for the following areas:
- Drafting the statutes and any amendments to the same, to be submitted to the Senate;
- Drafting a Development Plan for the university, to be submitted to the Senate and the University Council;
- Drafting an Organization Plan for the university, to be submitted to the Senate and the University Council;
- Drafting the performance agreement (Leistungsvereinbarung) and the organizational agreement (Gestaltungsvereinbarung), to be submitted to the University Council;
- Human Resources: appointment and dismissal of the heads of organizational units; conclusion of target agreements with the heads of organizational units; assignment of university personnel (§ 94 Section 1 Subparagraphs 2 through 6) to the respective organizational units; awarding the teaching qualification (venia docendi); issuing guidelines for the empowerment of university staff in accordance with § 28 Section 1;
- Students: student admission; collection of the statutory tuition fees; implementation and discontinuation of studies, official statement on the curricula; prohibition of any curriculum or curriculum amendment if it runs counter to the objectives specified in the Development Plan, or if it lacks financial coverage;
- Finance and reporting: implementation of a suitable accounting and reporting system; drafting an estimate of the annual budget and a multi-year budget plan to be submitted to the University Council; allocation of funds; submittal of the estimate of the annual budget and multi-year budget plan to the Senate for the latter's information; drafting the balance of accounts and the Intellectual Capital Report