List of entries
manege für architektur: Launch in Wien!
Nach der erfolgreichen Crowdfunding Kampagne im Dezember kommt die manege für architektur für die Vorstellung der ersten Ausgabe nach Wien.
Dominikanerbastei 11, 1010 Wien, (Eingang Thonet Showroom)
Art and Architecture
Constructing the Commons | Another Approach to Architecture and the City
IKA Lecture Series Winterterm 2016|17 by Tom Avermaete | Endowed Professorship for Research in Visionary Cities.
Schillerplatz/ 211
Art and Architecture
Lecture by Michael Hansmeyer
Guestprofessor for ADP Analogue Production Digital Production
Schillerplatz/ 211
Art and Architecture
Italian Positions | Cultures of Cultural Heritage
Symposium with lectures and round table discussion by the Platform ESC | Ökologie | Nachhaltigkeit | Kulturelles Erbe / Ecology | Sustainability | Cultural Heritage. Organized by Gogo Kempinger-Khatibi and Hannes Stiefel.
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
Entwerfen Erforschen. Der "performative turn" im Architekturstudium
Hrsg. Angelika Schnell / Eva Sommeregger / Waltraud Indrist
Schillerplatz/ 209
Art and Architecture
2A Asia Architecture Award, Vienna 2016 | Innovative Architecture in Asia
Official Ceremony and Interactive Exhibition
Lectures by Nasrine Seraji The architects’ and architecture’s role in a global market and Murat Tabanlioglu Beyond Borders .Bene GmbH, Neutorgasse 4-8, 1010 Vienna
Art and Architecture
Chautauqua am CopaContainer
Abschlussausstellung des Projektes How to get to Chautauqua - Mobile Bildungslandschaften an der CopaCagrana.
CopaContainer neben Fahrrad Walter, Am Damm, CopaCagrana, 1220 Wien
Art and Architecture
Collabocracy: Films and Drawings for Visionary Cities
Films and Drawings by Clemens Aniser, Anna Götte, Pia Grobner, Cenk Güzelis, Valentin Heuwieser, Niklas Jakobsen, Cathy Leung, Daniela Mehlich, Dominik Schwab, Veronika Suschnig, Benjamin Softic, Rumena Trendafilova
[Student works of Master Studio GLC | Geography Landscape Cities, summer term 2016, IKA | Institute for Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna]
Curated by Nic Clear with support from Daniela Herold and Eva SommereggerExhibition
Heritage Gallery, Queen Anne Court, University of Greenwich
Art and Architecture
Spaceship Earth and Space Race 2.0
Lecture by Eva Díaz within the frame of the IKA Lecture Series Summer 2016 Architectures of Learning—Learning Architectures | Discursive Practises—Discursive Spaces curated by Anamarija Batista, Waltraud Indrist and Eva Sommeregger.
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
How to get to Chautauqua - Mobile Bildungslandschaften an der Copacagrana
Im Rahmen des GLC Studios BArch 6 im Sommersemester 2016 veranstalten Studierende des Institutes für Kunst und Architektur eine Grätzloase* an der Copa Cagrana.
Copacagrana, 1220 Wien
Art and Architecture
Echotecture | Eine Expedition mit Musik
Die Szenografieklasse von Anna Viebrock und das Klangforum Wien starten einen Versuch / Uraufführungen von Peter Jakober und Matthias Kranebitter.
21.05.2016, 17.00 h + 19.30 h
22.05.2016, 17.00 h + 19.30 h
Eintritt Frei
Jedoch begrenzte Teilnehmer_innenanzahl, vorherige
Anmeldung deshalb nötig unter netzzeit@netzzeit.atexperimentiert wird im im Atelier, auf der Galerie, im Mehrzwecksaal und im Prospekthof
Art and Architecture
Figure - Space - Apparatus
INTRA SPACE Symposium zu dialogischer Ästhetik und immersiv experimentellen Räumen.
INTRA SPACE-Laboratorium, Dominikanerbastei 11, 1010 Wien (Symposium) und Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 6, 1060 Wien, Prospekthof (Keynote Lecture)
Art and Architecture
Figure - Space - Apparatus
INTRA SPACE Symposium zu dialogischer Ästhetik und immersiv experimentellen Räumen.
Keynote Lecture Vicki Kirby
INTRA SPACE-Laboratorium, Dominikanerbastei 11, 1010 Wien (Symposium) und Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 6, 1060 Wien, Prospekthof (Keynote Lecture)
Art and Architecture
Architecture and the Ongoing Authority of the Sketch
Lecture by Peter Wilson, BOLLES+WILSON
Schillerplatz/ 211
Art and Architecture
The Architecture of Late Capitalism and Beyond
IKA Lecture Series Winter Term 2015|16
Visionary Cities: Utopian Urbanism and Science Fiction
Nic Clear | Endowed Professorship for Research in Visionary Cities
All lectures will be held in English.Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
Connectingspaces – Transcultural Aspects of Architecture
The IKA platform Ecology, Sustainability and Cultural Heritage (ESC) was invited by Future Lectures* to setup a seminar to investigate social aspects of sustainability within contemporary societies that are under constant reconfiguration and reconstruction. How does, could and will spatial development and architectural culture reflect existing and emerging social conditions in diverse societal contexts?
Studio Building/ ground floor, north
Art and Architecture
Super light spacial structures
Lecture by Christoph Katzler from the art collective Numen/For Use on the occasion of a workshop at the Institute for Art and Architecture.
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
Atlas of Local Actors
A co-laboratory in the context of the Urbanize Festival 2015
Henriettenplatz, 1150 Wien
Education in the Arts , Art and Architecture
Post City – Habitats for the 21st Century | Ars Electronica
Opening hours: Thur - Sun 10 am - 8 pm, Mon 10 am - 6 pm (7 pm)
The bachelor design studios Analogue Digital Production and Geography Landscapes Cities of the Institute for Art and Architecture were invited to present selected student´s work at the Ars Electronica Festival Post City.
Ars Electronica Center, Post City
Art and Architecture
Paola Viganò, architect and urbanist (Italy)
Lecture by Paola Viganò, architect and urbanist (Italy) within the Frame of Into the city, into the Territory, IKA Lecture Series Summer Term 2015, curated by Lisa Schmidt-Colinet, Platform Geography, Cities, Landscapes.
The lecture series will focus on the question of representation and description of landscape, territory and the city. At what point does the description through drawings and other media become a project on its own?
IKA Lecture hall, R211a
Art and Architecture
Big!Bad?Modern: Four Megabuildings in Vienna
Editors: Stefan Gruber, Antje Lehn, Lisa Schmidt-Colinet, Angelika Schnell, Institute for Art and Architecture
Graphics by Thomas Kussin and Zara PfeiferBook presentation
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
1. Wiener Doktorand_innen Symposion der Architektur
Eine Kooperation zwischen der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, der Technische Universität und Universität für angewandte Kunst.
Atelierhaus/ Prospekthof, Tor 2
Art and Architecture
The art of building (art), imagination and fun [welcome to the pleasuredome]
From thought space to outer space and back to the city. Five overarching lectures exploring contemporary complexities and challenges in architecture oscillating between academic rigour and rapid intuition. Lecture series "The Accelerating Expanding Universe of Architecture" by Hannes Mayer, Roland Rainer Chair 2014|2015 in fall 2014.
Art and Architecture
Vielleicht eröffnet sich an dieser Stelle eine Möglichkeit: Favorite(n) Arrival City - on site
Finissage mit Beiträgen von: Stefan Bendiks, Roland Rainer Chair 2013/14, Hannes Gröblacher, Gebietsbetreuung Favoriten und Michael Obrist, Feld 72.
Favoritenstrasse 192, 1100 Wien - 15 Minuten vom Karlsplatz: U1 (Reumannplatz), Straßenbahn 67 (Schleiergasse)
Art and Architecture
Works by Snøhetta presented by Craig Dykers (Oslo/New York)
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
Victor Gruen. Shopping Town. Memoiren eines Stadtplaners (1903 – 1980)
Anette Baldauf präsentiert das von ihr im Böhlau Verlag herausgebrachte Buch. Lesung mit Pat Blashill, Katrina Daschner, Stefan Gruber, Dorit Margreiter, Angelika Schnell, Katharina Weingartner, u.a.
Schillerplatz/ 211
Art and Architecture
Schillerplatz/ 211a, Schillerplatz/ 203b, Schillerplatz/ 209
Art and Architecture
Contemplating Environments
Lecture by Hannes Stiefel within the framework of the lecture series "Ten informants – Another View on Ecology, Sustainability and Cultural Heritage" at the Institute for Art and Architecture 2013/2014.
Art and Architecture
Atelierhaus/ Atelier
Art and Architecture
Wiener Wunderkammer 2014
Das Entwurfsstudio HTC des Instituts für Kunst und Architektur stellt bei der Wiener Wunderkammer 2014 aus.
Öffnungszeiten: 1. April: 15 bis 20 Uhr, 2. April: 15 bis 18 Uhr, 3. April: 15 bis 18 Uhr, 4. April: 17 bis 22 Uhr (Lange Nacht der Forschung)Ausstellungsdauer
Prechtlsaal der TU Wien, Hauptgebäude der TU, Karlsplatz 13, 1010 Wien
Art and Architecture