List of entries
Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK): Architecture and its Ways of Knowing
The annual lecture series at IKA in the academic year 2021/2022 will be organised in partnership with the EU research project Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK): Architecture and its Ways of Knowing, in which we are involved as one of ten academic partners.
Lecture series
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
New New Worlds
Lecturer | Felicity Scott, Architecture theorist, Columbia University, New York
Respondent | Aristide Antonas, architect and writer, Academy of Fine Arts, ViennaLecture
Online via Zoom
Art and Architecture
Conservation Architect and his contribution to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Lecture by Carl Pruscha at the Institute for Art and Architecture.
Registration at
The event will be held in German.Lecture
Under the gallery, (Admission from 18:30h, No admission after the start of the event).
Art and Architecture
Concepts of authorship in architecture | An examination of the unspoken mechanisms of designing and making buildings
Lecture by Christoph Grafe, Bergische Universität Wuppertal and Peg Rawes, Bartlett, UC London. The lecture is organised as a TACK talk, as a discussion between the partners, and streamed via YouTube on the TACK website.
Art and Architecture
Lecture by Tim Anstey, Helena Mattsson, and Jennifer Mack
Lecture by Tim Anstey, Oslo School of Architecture, Helena Mattsson, KTH Stockholm , Jennifer Mack, KTH Stockholm. The annual lecture series at IKA in the academic year 2021/2022 will be organised in partnership with the EU research project Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK): Architecture and its Ways of Knowing , in which we are involved as one of ten academic partners.
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
An exhibition by students at IKA together with master students from Brno.
KUMST, Údolní 495/19, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Art and Architecture
An exhibition by students at IKA together with master students from Brno.
KUMST, Údolní 495/19, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Art and Architecture
Narratives of Tacit Knowledge
Lecture by Klaske Havik, TU Delft and Janina Gosseye, TU Delft. The annual lecture series at IKA in the academic year 2021/2022 will be organised in partnership with the EU research project Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK): Architecture and its Ways of Knowing , in which we are involved as one of ten academic partners.
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
Architecture and its Tacit Dimensions
Lecture with Lara Schrijver, University Antwerp and Tom Avermaete, ETH Zurich.
The annual lecture series at IKA in the academic year 2021/2022 will be organised in partnership with the EU research project Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK): Architecture and its Ways of Knowing , in which we are involved as one of ten academic partners.
Schillerplatz/ 211a
Art and Architecture
R& Open House
Einladung zum Art Walk des R& mit Arbeiten von Studierenden der Klasse Szenografie.
Wann: 1. Juli 2021 ab 16 Uhr (Ausstellung geöffnet bis 21Uhr)
Wo: Das R&, Lindengasse 1/12, 1070 WienArt Walk
Das R&, Lindengasse 1/12, 1070 Wien
Art and Architecture
Tinkering with the 'Theoryless': The New Epistemology of Contemporary AI
Lecture by Jutta Weber within the Online Lecture Series OUT OF THE EYE – Drawing Perspectives and Profiling Figures in Architecture Winter 2020/Summer 2021 organized by IKA and IKW.
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 978 4524 4737
Zoom-Kenncode: 2.26+*Online via Zoom
Art and Architecture , Art Theory and Cultural Studies , Natural Sciences and Technology in Art
AUFTRITT STILLE | wo bist du goldene zeit
Horvàth Monument / Vestignomie / Jelinek
Exhibition of the studio scenography, Prof. Anna ViebrockFri, 16.00 to 20.00, Sat, 16.00 to 20.00, Sun, 12.00 to 18.00
Studio Building/ Studio
Art and Architecture
Phantasmography I: Spaces of Extraction
An exhibition of student works by the studio Phantasmography led by Prof. Michael Hirschbichler at the Institute for Art and Architecture.
Guided tours take place on June 17 and 18 at 5 p.m. Meeting point at the building entrance of Augasse 2-6.
Art and Architecture
Phantasmography I: Spaces of Extraction
An exhibition of student works by the studio Phantasmography led by Prof. Michael Hirschbichler at the Institute for Art and Architecture.
Guided tours take place on June 17 and 18 at 5 p.m. Meeting point at the building entrance of Augasse 2-6.
Art and Architecture
WAOA! - Women And Other Anomalies
We will reveal our proposals to deny/denounce/debunk/demolish GENDER BIAS in the built environment in general and this academy building in particular. This intervention emerges from the seminar of the same name at the Institute for Art and Architecture.
Meeting Point: Schillerplatz 3
Art and Architecture
Hitze Takes Command
The exhibition HITZE TAKES COMMAND will occupy the building of the Academy at Schillerplatz with a spatial installation from May 7 until May 28, which will also be the first public event after the general renovation.
PLEASE NOTE: In advance of your visit to the exhibition, a registration at the information point at Schillerplatz is necessary due to the current COVID-19 regulations. It is not possible to enter the building independently. Your data will be treated confidentially, stored securely and deleted after the 28-day period.
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Aula
Art and Architecture
IKA HITZE Lectures
Lecture by Peter Sellars, distinguished Professor, UCLA Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance - The Architecture of Injustice, and the Architecture of Justice.
The lecture series is organised and curated by Hannes Stiefel.
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 921 9437 5938
Zoom-Kenncode: ==7+74All lectures start at 7pm and will be held online. To receive access to the online event, please see the Zoom-link above or visit or contact us at .
Online via Zoom
Art and Architecture
IKA Hitze Lectures
Lecture by Claudia Bosse, Choreographer and director, theatercombinat, Vienna, H EAT and ORGAN reading – an assemblage of texts, thoughts and acts.
The lecture series is organised and curated by Hannes Stiefel.
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 921 9437 5938
Zoom-Kenncode: ==7+74All lectures start at 7pm and will be held online. To receive access to the online event, please see the Zoom-link above or visit or contact us at .
Online via Zoom
Art and Architecture
Hitze Takes Command
The exhibition HITZE TAKES COMMAND will occupy the building of the Academy at Schillerplatz with a spatial installation from May 7 until May 28, which will also be the first public event after the general renovation.
PLEASE NOTE: In advance of your visit to the exhibition, a registration at the information point at Schillerplatz is necessary due to the current COVID-19 regulations. It is not possible to enter the building independently. Your data will be treated confidentially, stored securely and deleted after the 28-day period.
Digital Opening
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Hauptgebäude, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Aula
Art and Architecture
Den Boden der Stadt kartieren
Am Eröffnungstag 10.02. ganztägig bei freiem Eintritt geöffnet 10-19h
ONLINE EVENT FB Link AzW zur Eröffnung
Auf Basis einer Recherche zu Besitzverhältnissen im Gebiet Spittelau/Althangrund, präsentieren Studierende des Instituts für Kunst und Architektur der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien eine multimediale Karte aus 35 Fragmenten.
Eröffnung mit Antje Lehn und Lisa Schmidt-Colinet sowie Studierenden des IKA
Architekturzentrum Wien, Galerie, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Art and Architecture
Den Boden der Stadt kartieren
Am Eröffnungstag 10.02. ganztägig bei freiem Eintritt geöffnet 10-19h
ONLINE EVENT FB Link AzW zur Eröffnung
Auf Basis einer Recherche zu Besitzverhältnissen im Gebiet Spittelau/Althangrund, präsentieren Studierende des Instituts für Kunst und Architektur der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien eine multimediale Karte aus 35 Fragmenten.
Eröffnung mit Antje Lehn und Lisa Schmidt-Colinet sowie Studierenden des IKA
Architekturzentrum Wien, Galerie, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Art and Architecture
Cryptopolitics - contentious visibilities in cloud geographies
Lecture by Jaya Klara Brekke within the Online Lecture Series OUT OF THE EYE – Drawing Perspectives and Profiling Figures in Architecture Winter 2020/Summer 2021 organized by IKA and IKW.
Zoom-Meeting-ID: 955 9613 7613
Zoom-C ode: G=RG^7Online via Zoom
Art and Architecture , Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Ulyssesland Kapitel VI & XIV
Ulysses/Ophelia geht baden auf der Donauinsel ... und singt dabei die Ursonate. Von Sophie Eidenberger, Studentin der Bühnengestaltung am Institut für Kunst und Architektur, und Stefanie Prenn. / Youtube : Ulyssesland Kapitel VI
Art and Architecture
Hitze 2
IKA Lecture Series 2019/2020 HITZE TAKES COMMAND, organised and curated by Hannes Stiefel.
We will keep you informed about new dates and formats.IKA Online
Art and Architecture
Heated Pollution
Lecture by Nerea Calvillo , Architect | C+ arquitectas | Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, within the IKA Lecture Series 2019/2020 organised and curated by David Gissen and Hannes Stiefel.
Hauptgebäude/ Forum, 1.17A
Art and Architecture
Otto Wagner Lecture 2019
Vandana Shiva: Soil not Oil | The transfer from the age of fossil fuel for the awareness of a living Earth
Chair: Anette Baldauf, Ujjwal Utkarsh, Lecture in English
10. November 2019, 3.30 pm: Earth Othe r, a film screening for and with Vandana Shiva exploring routes and roots of ecological entanglements curated by Kelly Ann Gardener and Christina Jauernik
Filmmuseum Wien, Augustinerstrasse 1, 1010 Wien
Free entry
Studio Building/ ground floor, north
Art and Architecture
Bilder der Stadt kartieren
16.00 h | Treffpunkt Garderobe
16.30–17.30 h | Gespräch im Restaurant Oben
Studierende des IKA diskutieren mit Gästen und Anamarija Batista, Christian Jahl, Renate Kraft
Konzept: Antje LehnDie Ausstellung ist wegen Bauarbeiten von 13.06. bis 10.08. geschlossen.
Hauptbücherei Wien, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2A, 1070 Wien, Lesezone im Eingangsgeschoß
Art and Architecture
Architectures for the Quantified Self
A micro-conference at halfway Vienna. halfway is the laboratory of the research project Curating the Urban. On Spatializing Urban Conditions.
halfway, Halbgasse 3-5, 1070 Wien
Art and Architecture
Algorithmische Territorien
Screening und Gespräch. Manu Luksch mit Marie-France Rafael im Rahmen von halfway - Curating the Urban .
halfway ist ein Ort der Verräumlichung akuter urbaner Phänomene. Hier wird mit Methoden künstlerischer Forschung eine Praxis des urbanen Kuratierens realisiert und gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge in Gestaltung übersetzt.
halfway ist das Labor des Forschungsprojekts Curating The Urban . On Spatializing Urban Conditions von Christina Nägele, Heidi Pretterhofer und Christian Teckert mit Linda Lackner, das am Institut für Kunst und Architektur der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien angesiedelt ist und über das Programm PEEK des FWF gefördert wird.
halfway, Halbgasse 3-5, 1070 Wien
Art and Architecture
T-Serai – Textile Systems for Engagement and Research in Artistic Impact
Lecture and Talk by Azra Akšamija / The Future Heritage Lab im Rahmen von halfway - Curating the Urban muss aus Krankheitsgründen leider ABGESAGT werden!
halfway ist ein Ort der Verräumlichung akuter urbaner Phänomene. Hier wird mit Methoden künstlerischer Forschung eine Praxis des urbanen Kuratierens realisiert und gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge in Gestaltung übersetzt.
halfway ist das Labor des Forschungsprojekts Curating The Urban. On Spatializing Urban Conditions von Christina Nägele, Heidi Pretterhofer und Christian Teckert mit Linda Lackner, das am Institut für Kunst und Architektur der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien angesiedelt ist und über das Programm PEEK des FWF gefördert wird.ABGESAGT
halfway, Halbgasse 3-5, 1070 Wien
Art and Architecture