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University Sorbonne Nouvelle | AUTUMN SCHOOL "unhindered disabled - disability in theory and the arts: contemporary positions"

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Su 7.7.2024

From November 18 to 22, 2024, the Autumn School "Unhindered Disabled - Disability in Theory and the Arts: Contemporary Positions" will take place as part of the FOCUS Festival at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris.


The autumn school "ungehindert behindert" offers an introduction to Disability Studies for students, young researchers and young artists from France and German-speaking countries. In reading workshops, participants will familiarize themselves with some of the fundamental texts of Disability Studies and critically examine them.

Target audience

The Autumn School is aimed at Master's students, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral students from various disciplines (literature, art history, architecture, languages, etc.). Students from art colleges are cordially invited to apply.

Further information can be found in the German version and under: :