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MAK | Schindler Scholarship 2024/2025

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Due Date
Mo 21.8.2023

The BMKOES in cooperation with the MAK is going to award a total of six scholarships for residency at the Mackey Apartments, Los Angeles, in 2024/2025. These scholarships are open to four free-lance artists, two advanced students of architecture (2. Studienabschnitt), and graduates of architecture immediately after completion of their degree.

The main focus of the Scholarship Program is on the purposeful long-term support of individual young artists and architects / students of architecture and on creating new interdisciplinary opportunities and confrontations through a lively exchange program.

The clear orientation towards experimentation at the borderline of art and architecture is at the center of the program. Due to its purposeful and practice-oriented structure (involvement in organizing the programs at Schindler House, cooperation with universities, artists and architects, and exhibition activities) the Scholarship Program provides an opportunity for a broad discourse with topical questions of art and architecture.

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