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Doctor of Philosophy/PhD

Doctoral studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna serve to deepen candidates' understanding of history and theory, and support them in carrying out experimental research in art history and cultural studies, or of the respective social contexts of the artistic/cultural field involved.

For admission, a Master's or similar degree ( Diplomstudium ) in the fields of the humanities, cultural studies, fine arts, or Secondary School TeacherAccreditation in a relevant school subject is prerequisite. This PhD program comprises 6 semesters (which is equal to 180 ECTS credits). One year after admission at the latest, a Thesis Agreement (Dissertationsvereinbarung) has to be concluded, specifying the main parameters of the supervision process.

In the course of the doctoral program, students must complete at least 20 ECTS credits. At least four courses are to be completed in the form of 2 dissertation seminars (3 ECTS points each) and 2 private dissertations (2 ECTS points each). The remaining courses (amounting to 10 ECTS points) must be freely chosen from the range of courses offered by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna or another domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution and must be related to the content of the dissertation or complement the study program in a meaningful way. The freely selectable courses are to be recorded in the dissertation agreement.
