Research projects and current dissertations
Research projects
Rotting sounds – Embracing the temporal temporal deterioration of digital audio
History of Conservation in Austria: Tacit Knowledge and Disciplinary Professionalisation
Cultural Heritage Action to Refine Training, Education and Roles (CHARTER)
Current dissertations
Digital Craftsmanship. Hacking as a Methodology for a Sustainable Approach to Cultural Heritage Preservation
History(s) of paper conservation in Austria - from its beginnings to the turn of the millennium
Mag. art. Mag. phil. Catherine Bouvier
Supervisor: Em.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Baatz
History of wall painting conservation in Austria in the years 1950 –2000
Mag. art. Magdalena Schindler
Supervisor: Em.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Baatz
Influence of art movements on Austrian presentation practice of wall paintings from 1850 in Austria
Mag. art. Beate Sipek
Supervisor: Em.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Baatz
Medieval manuscripts with parchment folios sewn in dyed silk. Integrating material evidence of textile and manuscript collections with artistic process of replication Luba Nurse
Dissertationsbetreuerin: Prof. Dr. Carolin Bohlmann
Preservation Hacking. Visuelle Analyse des hypothetischen Futurfakts Schilling
Dissertationsbetreuerin: Prof. Dr. Carolin Bohlmann