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Online information meeting for enrollment in the Doctor of Philosophy WiSe 2024/25

Event Label
Informative meeting
Organisational Units
Location Description
Online via Zoom

We cordially invite those interested in the Doctor of Philosophy program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna to attend this online appointment to learn about enrollment requirements and procedures.

In this online meeting, questions concerning the enrollment (requirements, possible hurdles, prerequisites) for the Doctor of Philosophy will be answered in order to make the entry into the doctoral studies as clear as possible. Therefore, we would like to offer all prospective students the opportunity to talk to representatives of the Curriculum Commission for Doctoral Studies, the Registrar's Office, and the Center for Doctoral Studies.


Date | Wednesday, 5.9.2024, 10:30 to 11:30 am
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting-ID: 695 5176 8651
Kenncode: &20+#3


The event will be held in English. The Q&A will be held in German and English.

Registration mode/conditions of participation

No registration required.

If you have questions about the event, please contact