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Prize for scientific theses

Every academic year, the Science Prize Jury awards two prizes for scientific theses. Diploma theses/final theses that have been graded "very good" can be nominated - in each case by the institutes. Theses nominated for the Art Prize Jury cannot be submitted for the Prize for Scientific Theses, i.e. each thesis can only be nominated for one of the two prizes.

The jury meets in June and selects two prize-worthy theses.

  • Preis der Akademie für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten (3.000 Euro)
  • Würdigungspreis (2.000 Euro)

The prize will be awarded at the end-of-year celebration of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Contact and information:

Rectors office
Stefanie Gutschi BA
T +43(1)58816-1003