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Contact and exchange with graduates is an important concern for the Academy. The period immediately after graduation is also usually a phase of setting the course for starting a career as an artist, scientist or in the respective profession.

Working in familiar and new fields of application and becoming active in them is a constant challenge for graduates of art universities. The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna therefore offers a wide range of programs to meet the needs of students in the final phase, graduates and young researchers. These include the events of the Center for Doctoral Studies as well as the continuing education courses offered by the  Alumni Club.

In addition, the Vice-Rectorate for Art | Teaching offers two programs, the Lectureship Program for Doctoral Students and the Mentoring Program Art, which provide specific support for those starting a career in university teaching or for artists. A central element of these initiatives is the target group-specific and practice-oriented expertise provided by mentors. The Academy Studio Program also gives graduates the opportunity to work in shared studio spaces in the Creative Cluster for a period of one year.

The Research Service provides advice and support in implementing project ideas in the field of scientific or artistic-scientific research, but also in artistic practice, and in finding the right funding framework for the respective project idea.
Graduates have the opportunity to gain specific professional experience in their respective fields abroad and build up an international network as part of an Erasmus internship (the Erasmus+ Traineeship) after completing their studies. Please note: the application must be submitted during your studies.

The University Library will issue graduates with a free library card on presentation of a current registration form.