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Anton Bruckner Private University | Thinking with the body - Overcoming methodological boundaries

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Call for Contributions
Due Date
Su 30.6.2024

A joint symposium of the artistic research project “Embodying Expression, Gender, Charisma Breaking Boundaries of Classical Instrumental Practices” and the interdisciplinary research network Implicit Knowledge. It will take place from 19-20 September 2024 at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz.

In the artistic research project "Embodying Expression, Gender, Charisma - Breaking Boundaries of Classical Instrumental Practices" (in short: EmEGC), violinist, composer and scholar Barbara Lüneburg, sociologist Kai Ginkel and flutist-researcher Renata Kambarova investigate how the body of instrumentalists is an essential factor for musical expression, gender performance and charisma in Western classical instrumental practice.

The symposium will be open to contributions from each network on both days, with the first day focussing more on EmEGC and artistic research and the second day more on FORIM. We are looking forward to lectures, lecture recitals and the performance of artworks dealing with the topic "Thinking with the Body - Overcoming Methodological Boundaries" and the questions mentioned below. The main questions of interest to both FORIM and EmEGC, and to which we welcome contributions, are the following:

  1. How do we use the body as a source of knowledge and/or as a way of thinking? How can we explore the connection between body and knowledge methodologically and artistically? How can we make body knowledge accessible and shareable?
  2. How can 'embodiment' be defined and represented conceptually, theoretically or artistically?
  3. In which way was does embodiment research benefit from an interdisciplinary approach shared by practitioners in artistic research with their internal perspective and scholars looking at embodiment from an external perspective? How does a combination or juxtaposition of each perspective challenge methodological approaches of both disciplines?

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