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Alternative Mode of Assessment and Teaching

According to the Universities Act of 2002 students have the right to an alternative mode of assessment, if they prove a disability or chronic illness, which makes it impossible to take an exam in the planned method, and if the content and requirements are not affected in the alternative mode.

Alternative modes of assessment and teaching are arranged between teacher and student in a transparent procedure, based on a confirmation of a medical specialist (without detailed diagnosis) and after counselling by the contact person for accessible studies. Alternative modes are confirmed and set by the vice-rector for art and teaching.

These adjustments compensate for any disadvantages students may have, depend on the specific disability and mode of exam and can be very different individually.

There is a standardised form available for the agreement, which allows a transparent procedure in setting alternative modes of exams. The form is available for download on the left.

Examples of alternative methods may include:

  • oral instead of written examination or written instead of oral examination
  • exams with sign language interpretation, assistance or technical aids
  • Examinations with 50-100% more time
  • exams in extra rooms
  • other alternative assessment, e.g. written paper instead of a field trip participation for students with mobility impairments, or written paper instead of presentation for students with speech impairments

Admission examinations

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna supports the application of people with disabilities and strives to create an admission examination as accessible as possible. Applicants may contact the responsible person, Christina Fasching in the Student Welcome Center with their questions:

Contact person for accessible studies in the Student Welcome Center:
Mag.a Christina Fasching

Form "alternative modes of assessment"