Artists' social security fund: who, how much, for what...?
Information event for artists
The event is a cooperation of the Alumni Club of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna together with the IG Bildende Kunst.
What does the Künstler_innensozialversicherungsfonds (KSVF) do? How can I get a subsidy for my social security contributions as a self-employed artist? We invite you to the Survival Training for Artists. The event will take place online, from 10 to 11:30 am. After the input of the presenters, participants can ask their individual questions.
Presenters: Caroline Resch (KSVF – Künstlerinnensozialversicherungsfonds)
Moderation: Jannik Franzen (visual artist)
Co-moderation (chat): Daniela Koweindl (IG Bildende Kunst)
The event will take place in German online via Zoom, in cooperation of IG Bildende Kunst and Alumniverein der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Registration is not required.