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The utopia of a collective art | The “Art in Public Space” Group

Event Label
Organisational Units
Location Description
Exhibition Space, Demonstrationsraum
Location Venue (1)
Main Building
Location Address (1)
Schillerplatz 3
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1010 Vienna

Opening Hours: daily from 11 am - 6 pm, free admission
Artists | Sabine Gangnus, Daniel Hafner, Bernd Hofbauer, Bettina Kattinger, Sarah Kienpointner, Thomas Lehner, Nadine Lemke, René Stessl, Arthur Summereder, Michael Suszynski, Ulrike Wagendorfer

Opening: Tue, 19.05.2009, 7 pm
The group
in conversation with Wolfgang Ullrich, author, lecturer, management consultant, professor for art and media theory at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe (to be confirmed)

Taking the Demonstrationsraum as an institutional exhibition space within an art academy as its starting point, the group presentation investigates the conditions of use and the general set-up of public space. It focuses on questions concerning the interaction of artistic works and available space, the role of space as an interface between inside and outside, and on which referential models may be explored in regard to their validity on these grounds. Thus, the presentation also addresses processes of artistic design which, either as individual works or collective projects, center on conditions of the realization of exhibitions. (EL)

“Personal relationships, regular meetings, and social gatherings are what our opposition relies on.”

Sabine Gangnus, Daniel Hafner, Bernd Hofbauer, Bettina Kattinger, Sarah Kienpointner, Thomas Lehner, Nadine Lemke, René Stessl, Arthur Summereder, Michael Suszynski, Ulrike Wagendorfer

Translation: Wolfgang Astelbauer

Curator-in-residence 08|09: Elsy Lahner