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List of entries

  • Situating Race in Fashion Studies: Key Concepts

    In her guest lecture, Kimberly M. Jenkins will share her proposed framework for situating race in fashion studies, discuss what the process of running The Fashion and Race Database platforms looks like today, and share the joys and hardships of examining 'fashion and race' publicly. 

    The lecture will be held in english.

    Lecture (English)

    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

    The photo shows the image of a person looking right into the camera. The person has long dark hair, wears a white and dark blue shirt.“
  • Beef up the Crafts! Impulses for Secondary Education in “Technology and Design” – Part II

    Inputs by Mag. Erwin-Georg Neubacher (WRG Salzburg, University Mozarteum Salzburg) and Mag. Evelyn Dechant-Tucheslau (school develment counselor, supervision & coaching).


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

  • La fille d’O

    Murielle Victorine Scherre presents her lingerie brand la fille d'O and answers questions from the audience. The talk will be held online in English.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

    Murielle Victorine Scherre fotografiert sich selbst im Spiegel
  • #Didaktik

    The lecture series #DIDAKTIK Articulations, Algorithms, Infrastructures and Social Media in Critical Art Education in Digital Times takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.

    Lecture series

    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Nicolas Cilins - Talk to me! Justin Bartley, Karen Cooper, Regino Houedanou on their remote working conditions

    The lecture series #DIDAKTIK  takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

    Flyer of the Lecture Didaktik from Nicolas Cilins on 23.3.
  • #Didaktik - From clouds to grounds: Making visible AI's material

    The lecture series #DIDAKTIK takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.

    Lecture by Ariana Dongus

    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • #Didaktik - Franziska Thurner

    The lecture series #DIDAKTIK takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education

    An eventseries of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education, Summer Term 2022.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

    Watercolor Painting, three People siluettes in red color stand around three people sitting in a wheelchair which is drawn in black.
  • Inclusion Moves – Body Awareness and Self Reflection (Workshop)

    Workshop with Elisabeth Löffler, Performance Artist at MellowYellow, MAD Mixed-Abled Dance. An event of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education , Summer Term 2022.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

    Aquarell, Siluetten von Personen in roter Wasserfarbe, drei Personen stehen um drei weitere Person herum die in Rollstühlen sitzen, diese sind mit schwarzer Farbe gemalt.
  • Inclusive Education: A Political Project AND Education for ALL Learners. An Introduction

    Lecture and discussion with Oliver Koenig, Univ. Prof. at Bertha von Suttner Private University, and Iris Kopera, artist and activist. An event of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education , Summer Term 2022.


    Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06

    Education in the Arts

    Watercolor Painting, three People siluettes in red color stand around three people sitting in a wheelchair which is drawn in black.