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OFF_screen with Guillaume Cailleau

Event Label
Organisational Units
Art Theory and Cultural Studies
Location Description
Online via Zoom

Zoom Webinar von Off_screen (Karø Goldt und Michaela Schwentner) in begleitender Kooperation mit der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann IKW

OFF_screen wants to install an open format for discursive conversations about unfinished works in a cinema context. The presentation of the work and the discussion about it are intended as catalysts for a reflexive examination of that part of the working process of moving image production that usually remains invisible. This provides insights into the different artistic practices and approaches as well as the difficulties and challenges in artistic creation. At the center of the event is a decisive question about a problem that is blocking the work process, which the filmmakers pose to the invited panel and the audience. The event will take place in German.

Filmmaker: Guillaume Cailleau
Panel: Dr. Marc Glöde, Dr. Michaela Wünsch, Florian Wüst
Moderation: Karø Goldt

Guillaume Cailleau puts this question up for discussion:
How can I work globally and decolonially at the same time today?

This also refers to Guillaume Cailleau’s current project “Patterns”: In a provincial town in Java, a factory produces military uniforms not only for the Indonesian army, but also for some 35 countries, a.o. Malaysia, Germany, Saudi Arabia while the factory's founding family devotes itself to creating a museum for their contemporary art collection. As a research case, I believe that the economic, military and artistic links within the factory are a very interesting metaphor for the expanding power structures of today's global practices, and the complexities of contemporary image politics, and thus offer ways of exposing them using alternatives modes of artistic collaboration.

Dipl.-Ing. Guillaume Cailleau (France, 1978) is a Berlin-based artist, filmmaker and film producer (CASKFILMS) whose interest is in exploring new forms to address political and social issues. His films have been shown at film festivals (Berlin, NYC, Rotterdam, Edinburgh) and his work has been exhibited in art institutions such as the Bangkok Art & Culture Centre, the Royal Ontario Museum, the House of World Cultures and the Center Pompidou. In 2014 he won the Jury Silver Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival for his short film LABORAT, and his first feature film, DIRECT ACTION (co-directed with Ben Russell), was “Best Film” in the ENCOUNTERS category at the Berlinale this year .

Dr. Marc Glöde is a curator, critic and film scholar. His work focuses on the relationship between images, technology, space and the body, as well as the dynamics between fields such as art/architecture, art/film and film/architecture. He taught at the Dresden University of Fine Arts, the Free University of Berlin, the Berlin Academy of the Arts and was an assistant professor at the ETH Zurich. Since 2017, he has been an Assistant Professor at NTU ADM, Singapore, and co-director of the MA in Museum Studies and Curatorial Practices.

Dr. Michaela Wünsch is a research assistant at the Institute for Media and Cultural Studies at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Her research focuses on audiovisual media, critical race, gender and queer theory, and psychoanalysis.

Florian Wüst works as a freelance film curator and publisher in Berlin. Recent curatorial projects include film programs for the Werkleitz Festival in Halle (Saale) and the Short Film Festival Hamburg as well as two exhibitions at the Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea Tabakalera, San Sebastián: Zin Ex. Body and Architecture (2021) and Zin Ex. From Abstraction to Algorithm (2020). He is co-founder of the Berlin magazines on the city's past and present.

About OFF_screen:
Why not have conversations about unfinished work? How about offering film and video creators the opportunity to discuss their stagnating projects and the difficulties in the work process? How could a successful critical and constructive conversation arise from which everyone present benefits? At the center of the event is a crucial question about a problem that is blocking the work process, which the filmmakers ask the invited panel and the audience. An artist selects an unfinished video or film work that they would like to put up for discussion, possibly an excerpt that is perceived as particularly difficult. She formulates an important question. The invited panel participants receive the video and questions in advance and have enough time to prepare for the discussion. Ultimately, the semi-public conversation is about a discussion on equal terms, i.e. about giving moderated feedback, exercising constructive criticism, and not acting in terms of one's own positioning and possible hierarchies. The problem is discussed in a protected room. The discussion will then be expanded to include the audience present. The event is held online (webinar) twice a year. This enables an expanded radius with regard to the discussion participants. We are pleased that we are organizing this series of film discussions OFF_screen in 2024 in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann will continue. The series was previously run in cooperation with Blickle Kino / Belvedere21, represented by Claudia Slanar and in collaboration with Amina Handke.

Karø Goldt and Michaela Schwentner, spring 2024

Review of filmmakers: Annja Krautgasser, Corinne Belz, Sabie Reinfeld - Test version: Karø Goldt / Panel: Sabine Bitter, Ricarda Denzer, Axel Stockburger, Andreas Spiegel, Bettina Henkel, Bernd Brehmer, Savannah Thümler, Sophie Thun, Kerstin Cmelka, Stephan Pethke and others.

Meeting-ID: 612 7925 8831

Guillaume Cailleau
Passwort: OFFCailleau
Video online from 11.6.2024.