Beginning of the doctoral/PhD program
Here, your questions about the enrollment (Which documents do I need?), the course of the doctorate/Ph.D. study (What is the doctorate study, what is a doctoral/Ph.D. thesis agreement, etc.) and the potential supervisors are answered.
- Inscription/enrollment
- Course of doctoral/PhD studies
- Supervisors and topic for the doctoral thesis/PhD project
- Exposé and Dissertation/PhD-Project-Agreement
How do I enroll in a doctoral/PhD program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna? Is there an admission exam?
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers four doctoral programs (Dr. phil., Dr. techn., Dr. rer. nat., Ph.D.-in-practice).
The Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.), Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr. techn.) and Doctor of Science (Dr. rer. nat.) programs are structured around independent research and close coordination with the supervisor/s. For the Dr. techn. a confirmation of the supervisor is required before enrollment. For the Dr. phil. and the Dr. rer. nat. you can enroll without a confirmation or admission exam, although applicants need to fulfill certain admission criteria. Within one year after enrollment, they will need to have their Dissertation Agreement (including a contract with their supervisor/s) authorized. Therefore finding a supervisor at the Academy before enrolling will be an advisable first step regardless of the doctoral program. Further admission criteria may vary according to the doctoral program chosen. Please learn more about the exact admission criteria by clicking on this link - see the respective study plans (Curricula).
The PhD-in-Practice program does have an admission examination with a yearly call for submissions. The program combines arts-based research PhD projects at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Please find more detailed information on this program and the application procedure in the PhD-in-Practice website FAQs.
As a doctoral candidate enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, you are entitled to study here according to the curriculum selected, but you are not entitled to any financial support (scholarships or grants).
Which documents do I need to enroll in a doctoral program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna? What are the deadlines?
Please find all information on admission and enrollment as well as on the documents required here.
Find the respective deadlines for admission here.
If you have any further questions, please contact our Registrar's Office.
Do I have to enroll personally?
You have to enroll in your studies personally at the Registrar's Office eventually because they need some of your original documents. But the initial enrollment is done online. Please find further information on admission procedures here.
If I hold a degree from a University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) or an MA, can I enroll in a doctoral program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna?
To receive an answer to this question, you will first have to decide on a specific doctoral program. The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers four doctoral programs (Dr. phil., Dr. techn., Dr. rer. nat., PhD-in-Practice). The respective curricula specify the respective admission criteria. In summary, admission to each doctoral program at the Academy of Fine Arts is based on a subject-specific Diploma, Magister, or Master's degree. In addition, the admission of graduates from similar studies at approved Austrian or international institutions of post-secondary education is possible. This also applies to graduates of Diploma or Master Studies at a University of Applied Science (Fachhochschule). Such graduates may have to take additional exams before admission. For further information, please study the respective Curricula before consulting the Registrar's Office for further details.
I hold a degree in XY. Does this entitle me to enroll in one of the doctoral programs?
Please read the answer to the previous question (please scroll up).
I hold a degree issued by a foreign university. Does this entitle me to enroll in a doctoral program at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna?
Please read the answer to the previous question (please scroll up).
Can I have my study certificates checked for equivalence in advance?
Please send a scan of your documents via email to our Registrar's Office and let us know which of the doctoral programs you are interested in. We shall also require a translation if the documents were not issued in German or English. Please note that the examination of the equivalence of international qualifications can take several months of processing time, and plan accordingly.
The course of doctoral/PhD studies
What needs to be done in the course of doctoral studies from the beginning to the end?
All phases of doctoral studies are explained in detail here.
How do I find a topic for my doctoral thesis or PhD project? Is there a list with suggestions? Do I choose the topic myself?
On principle, topics of doctoral theses or PhD projects can be chosen freely. However, there are two restrictions: firstly, the topic should lie within the thematic scope of the respective study program (Dr. phil., Dr. techn., Dr. rer. nat., Ph.D.-in-practice). Secondly, the topic must be agreed upon with a supervisor, whom you should only choose after you have determined your own interest in a chosen topic. Moreover, doctoral candidates have the possibility to write their doctoral thesis in the context of a research project.
Where do I find potential supervisors?
you can find a list with potential doctoral and PhD project supervisors here. Please select doctoral/PhD program and capacity.
How do I find a supervisor?
Before you start looking for a supervisor, you must choose which doctoral program you would like to enroll in. The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers four doctoral programs (the philosophical doctorate, the technical doctorate in Architecture, the scientific doctorate, and the PhD-in-Practice program, which is an arts-based research program). Furthermore, before consulting our supervisors, you should have a concrete idea of the topic and research question you would like to work on. You should then choose a supervisor with the best qualifications to support you in developing and writing your doctoral thesis. Contact potential supervisors via email and make sure to include a description/proposal of your project and academic CV.
You can find a list with potential doctoral and PhD project supervisors here. Please select doctoral/PhD program and supervision capacity.
Exposé and Dissertation/PhD-Project Agreement
What is the Dissertation Agreement?
The Dissertation Agreement defines the scope of the doctorate/PhD as well as the relationship between supervisors and doctoral/PhD candidates. It includes the supervision commitment and the exposé, and it also regulates, e.g., the number and regularity of the meetings, deadlines for the chapters to be delivered, and details of courses to be completed, especially where the curricula allow some leeway. More information on the Dissertation/PhD-Project-Agreement can be found in the respective curricula. These can be found here under the respective field of study.
The dissertations or PhD project agreement (you can find a template in the section forms and documents) has to be concluded within the first year after completion of the enrollment for the doctoral/PhD programs Dr. phil., Dr. rer. nat. and PhD-in-Practice (for the Dr. techn., this does not apply) between doctoral/PhD candidate and the supervisor. It has to be signed by the doctoral/PhD candidate, the supervisor(s), and submit to the competent study law body for approval. Submission is via the Registrar's Office.
What is an exposé and what does it look like?
The exposé is an important milestone when developing a doctoral/PhD project, which helps to draft and plan the doctoral/PhD project. An exposé contains of a concise description of the dissertation project's main content and methodological approaches, a bibliography, and a time schedule and work plan. Moreover, it is an important tool that will help you to successfully complete the multi-year dissertation/PhD project. The clearer you define the research question, procedure and goal, the easier it will be to implement the project.
The exposé is part of the dissertation/PhD project agreement, which has to be completed within the first year after enrollment for Dr. phil., Dr. rer. nat. and the PhD-in-Practice and delivered to the Registrar's Office for approval of the Vice-Rector for Art and Teaching.
For the doctoral program in architecture (Dr. techn.), a confirmation of supervision and an exposé is already required before admission to the Dr. techn. program.
In our handbook, you find a recommendation for the writing of an exposé.