St. Virgil Salzburg | Artists in Residence
This summer, St. Virgil Salzburg, one of Austria's major educational centers, is offering two artists in the visual arts a residency for the twentieth time as part of the “Artists in Residence” funding project.
Award mode
All artists in the visual arts who are about to graduate or one to five years after graduation are eligible to apply.
Required submission documents
A portfolio of the artistic work and a biography with photo must be submitted in printed form and as a Mail submission to
Deadline for submission
The documents must be received by April 14, 2025 at the latest. They can only be returned if a stamped reply envelope with the address is enclosed.
Duration of stay
July 14 to August 18, 2025
St. Virgil provides the studio, the infrastructure of the house, free meals and accommodation. In addition, material and production costs amounting to € 600 will be covered. Travel costs cannot be reimbursed.
Both artists are expected to have a joint exhibition at Kunstraum St. Virgil in fall 2026.
Jury decision
The St. Virgil Art Advisory Board will announce the selected artists at the beginning of May.
Postal and delivery address
St. Virgil Salzburg, Ernst-Grein-Straße 14, A-5026 Salzburg with the note “Artists in Residence”
Andrea Lehner-Hagwood, Head of Kunstraum St. Virgil, Tel.: 0043 676 87469532,
Information about St. Virgil: