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Bauwelt-Award and Advancement Award 2015

Event Label
Organisational Units

The Bauwelt Award (5 awards at 5000 Euros each) applies to all categories of "First Work" - from the interior design of shops and stores to prototypal constructions, from public housing projects to the restructuring of a public space and to temporary interventions. Qualified for submission is every first work the submitter has realised on his or her own responsibility and which has been completed after September 30th, 2011.

The Advancement Award (1 award at 5000 Euros) will be awarded for an interdisciplinary research, exhibition or installation project that has not yet been realised or that has not been completed as for its implementation special resort efforts must be taken.

Eligible to participate are architects and landscape architects from all over the world, indi-viduals as well as working teams.

For details see: