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Memory in the post-imperial society

Organisational Units
Education in the Arts
Location Description
Online via Zoom

Lecture by Mark Terkessidis as part of Figurations of Gender, Difference and Identity - Ideological Grips, Authoritarian Turns, Popularization of Violence. A series of events at the Institute for Education in the Art IKL (in German) conceptualized and organized by Elke Gaugele and Elke Krasny.

Whose memory counts? Discussions about the forgotten chapters of German history such as colonialism, street names or monuments raise the question of what perspective we take on history in general. What is "our" history in a globalized society, in a society characterized by immigration and multiplicity? What on and how do we look back, which memories play a role and whose perspectives are taken into account? What belongs in the museum and what does not belong to "us" at all? The former colonial nations are not containers, but a node in a network. The current world can only be understood "post-imperially".

Mark Terkessidis is a freelance writer and has written for taz , Tagesspiegel , Die Zeit and Süddeutsche Zeitung , among others, as well as radio contributions for Deutschlandfunk and moderated on WDR radio. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the banality of racism and taught at the universities of Cologne, Rotterdam and St. Gallen. Most recently, he published Wessen Erinnerung zählt? Koloniale Vergangenheit und Rassismus heute (2019/2021), Nach der Flucht (2017), Kollaboration (2015) and Interkultur (2010). He lives in Berlin.
