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Student colloquium of restorers in training (RiA) – VDR, ÖRV & IKR

Event Label
Organisational Units
Conservation – Restoration
Location Address (1)
Schillerplatz 3
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1010 Vienna
Location Room (1)

Sat 18.5.2024 
9:30 – 18:30 h

Sun 19.5.2024
9:30 – 14:00 h

On May 18/19, 2024, the annual student colloquium of the IG Restaurator_Innen in Ausbildung (RiA) of the VDR and ÖRV will take place in cooperation with the IKR.

The IG der RestauratorInnen in Ausbildung (RiA) of the VDR and the RiA of the ÖRV invite you to the 13th Student Colloquium at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna on May 18/19. On both days, students of the conservation-restoration courses will present their final or semester projects. The symposium program will be accompanied by workshops and discussion rounds on current topics in conservation-restoration and professional policy.

In addition to the lecture and workshop program, the annual interest group meeting of the IG RiA will take place on Sunday. This will provide insights into current projects and topics that are relevant to conservation-restoration students from the association. There will also be room for concerns and questions for the RiA representation.

The event language is German.

> Download the Program here (PDF)