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Education in the Arts - Exhibition

Event Label
Organisational Units
Education in the Arts
Location Venue (1)
Studio Building
Location Address (1)
Lehárgasse 8
Location ZIP and/or City (1)
1060 Vienna
Location Room (1)
ground floor, north

Opening hours those of Rundgang 2025

Exhibition of student works created at the Art and Education program at the Institute for Education in the Arts

And That Is Art? It’s Art for Sure!
Exhibition of student works originating in the project KKP3.2 with Eva Kirchmaier and Hans Krameritsch

What do a record cover, a fried egg made of cardboard, a painter's palette on paper plates and a zine have in common? They all can be works of art. Students of the Academy of fine arts discussed with high school students from BG/BRG, Franklinstreet 26, Vienna, what parameters can define a work of art. The starting points of the exchange were common remarks like, “I can do that too!”, “I don’t like this.”, “And that is supposed to be art?”, “Why is this so expensive?” Students of different age groups created a variety of projects: 2G: resource sculptures; 5AD: record cover; 7BCD: painting/ collages/ writing a manifesto; 8ABE: zines regarding children’s rights and feminism.

Blue Green Infrastructure
Exhibition of student works originating from the project KKP3.2 Vermessung unsichtbarer Räume with Antje Lehn and Anna Pritz

In this course, students explored the school environment together with pupils from a bilingual, multi level class at OMS Pfeilgasse Vienna. The focus lay on the so-called blue-green infrastructure in regards to urban space. Blue-green infrastructures counteract the sealing of surfaces and thus the risk of flooding and overheating and strengthens the sustainable design of cities. In addition, urban greenery and water features can improve the quality of life and microclimate of an urban district. Pupils were supported by students in transforming their research using artistic methods, working in layers of mapping and presenting it in mixed media methodes, e.g. with stop motion films, collage technique and stitching landscapes. The film documents their research and mapping and imaginations.

Demokratie, was geht? meets Akademie geht in die Schule
Exhibition of artistic works designed with Barbora Chen, Ahoo Maher und Farila Neshat

The youth project “Demokratie, was geht?” invites young people in Vienna to visualise their stories and perspectives in creative ways. Artistic forms of expression such as linocuts are used to create works that reflect personal experiences and social issues. The prints presented were created as part of the visual arts workshops with Ahoo Maher and Farila Neshat, which are held in cooperation with “Akademie geht in die Schule”. They show how art can make marginalized voices heard and open up spaces for exchange and participation - a plea for the power of democratic participation through creativity.