Search List of entries Die UrhordePrimitivistische Begründungsfiguren des Sozialen in utopischen Gesellschaftsversuchen am Beispiel der Aktionsanalytischen Organisation bewusster Lebenspraxis (AAOBLP) Commodification and Appropriation of Artistic Labor Blut und Blutdurst Haunting Frequencies - Self-deconstruction in Contemporary Queer Experimental Music. An investigation into counter-hegemonic music Modelling the impact of future Climate Change on museum pests - insects and fungi Stone cultural heritage sites in Austria and Israel: the role of microorganisms in the deterioration processes. Balkangreuel (Balkan Cruelty)Analysis of art representational forms of violence against women for support of national, political and other vested interests Kritische Kunstpraktiken und Institutionen im kognitiven Kapitalismus Performance-Kunst und Post-Feminismus Another Modern Subject