List of entries
University of the Arts Helsinki | RUUKU Call for Contributions
RUUKKU – Studies in Artistic Research invites new contributions for the Issue ARTIST PEDAGOGY.
Deadline 30.11.2024
University of Porto | Psiax #8 Open Call
In this edition, they are interested in showcasing drawings, artistic projects, images, articles, essays, and contextual or critical texts that address, problematize, or explore representations of Nature and Landscape, Environmental Narratives, connections between humans and non-humans, our anthropocentric culture, or other possible worldviews.
Call for Contributions 1.10.2024
MAK | The MAK Schindler Scholarship Programm and the Mackey Apartments, Los Angeles
The Federal Ministry of Austria. Arts and Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKOES), Division Arts and Culture, in cooperation with the MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, is going to award a total of six scholarships for residency at the Mackey Apartments, Los Angeles, in 2025/2026.
Deadline 10.9.2024
Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto | Open Call “Exploring Contemporary Realities”
With this Open Call "Exploring Contemporary Realities", they launch the annual major theme of interest for scopio Magazine AAI – Exploring Contemporary Realities, Volume 2, and initiate a new collaboration with the project Contrast: Multidisciplinary network of artistic initiatives in Art, Architecture, Design and Photography through SCOPIO & CONTRAST International Conference.
Call for Contributions 1.9.2024
periscope | Open Call Project Space 2025
periscope’s call for 2025 is addressing Austrian and International artists.
Deadline 31.8.2024
Guided tour, Studios - Institute for Conservation-Restoration
Guided tour
Augasse 2-6
1090 Vienna
Kern NConservation – Restoration
Technical tour through the screen printing workshop and presentation of the first pilot of the project Clinch
Technical tour through the screen printing workshop and presentation of the first pilot of the project “Clinch” by Theresa Eipeldauer and Magdalena Kreinecker: an original graphic artist's book with contributions by Gregor Beiwl, Carli Biller Chien-Yu Lin, Thyra Marie Wanvig Steffensen
Guided tour
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Vienna
Siebdruckwerkstatt E16Fine Arts
Help, Heidi Help!
Come and join us on the third floor of Semperdepot! On 476m2 awaits you a stimulating Heidi village experience.
Studio Building
Lehárgasse 8
1060 Vienna
3. floor Scenography classArt and Architecture
Exhibition of architectural design projects
2. floor, rooms 203b, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211a + hallway + Gender and Space in the Aula
Main Building
Art and Architecture