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Michael Auer: Klopstocks Sound und Ossians Stimmen

Event Label
Song Recital Lecture series Lektionen / Lessons
Organisational Units
Paintings Gallery, Exhibit Gallery

Song Recital / Lesson

Poems by Klopstock, Macpherson, Hunter, set to music by Bach, Gluck, Haydn, and Schubert, sung by Tia Pikija (soprano) and Daniel Sauer (baritone), class Florian Boesch; Jelena Pešić (piano), class Markus Hadulla; in cooperation with mdw – universität für musik und darstellende kunst wien;

Lecture by Michael Auer
Klopstocks Sound und Ossians Stimmen
(in German)

In addition to the program, a guided tour with curator Alexander Roob will take place at 4:30 h in the Paintings Gallery.

Entrance free

Opening hours
Daily except Monday
10–18 h

T +43 1 588 16 2201
F +43 1 588 16 2299