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Discussion: Axel Stockburger und Paul Feigelfeld

Event Label
Organisational Units
Location Description
Isaiah Mansion
Patision 65
Athens 104 33

Discussion contribution by Axel Stockburger and Paul Feigelfeld as part of Back to Athens - Sloudge pour Sludge. 8:30 p.m.
Athens time / 7:30 p.m. Vienna time

Axel Stockburger: Reaction Economies -  the Art of Consumption

The talk engages with the so-called reaction economy, people consuming content online 
and reacting to it in often visceral and non-verbal ways. This form of meta-consumption as presentation opens many questions about the novel economic role of consumers in late capitalism, the logic of desire and transference of enjoyment, as well as more problematic issues such as the construction of a naive, impressionable and authentic spectator, that we know as the other from colonial histories. The presentation will attempt to unpack the cultural, aesthetic as well as political effects of this emerging phenomenon.

Axel Stockburger is an artist and theorist working as Associate Professor for Art and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. He is a member of the research platform Technopolitics as well as a board member of the artist association Secession. 

Paul Feigelfeld: Deus ex China

On the sludge history of machinic intelligences
Against linear historical narratives of progress, Deus ex China explores the detours, undercurrents and stupid misinterpretations that led to the development of computational worldviews and machinic intelligences. Turning away from purely Western viewpoints, we enter transcultural processes and simultaneities that reveal the sludge that is our technological condition.

Dr. Paul Feigelfeld is a cultural, media and design theorist and curator. He currently holds the professorship for Cultures of Knowledge in the Digital Age at the Institute for Design Research at the Braunschweig University of Art.