From concept to core: writing meaningful exposés and research proposals
In this practical workshop, we will look at how to present your own dissertation project in a comprehensible and appealing way in an exposé or an application.
We will share our experiences, look at the lines of argumentation in an exposé and how to present them understandably. We will learn helpful writing and working strategies, explore the usefulness of 'AI tools' and try out some writing techniques. The workshop will alternate between input, small group and individual work, with each format relating to the participants' own work.
Date | Tue 13 May 2025: 10:00 – 14:00
Venue | Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3,1070 Vienna, room DG18 (meeting room)
Preparation and registration
Please send by May 6, 2025 a short abstract of your dissertation exposé (approx. 1 A4 page), so that the trainer can find out about the topic and project in advance.
You can register to the workshop, if you are enrolled and a regular student at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna or University of Arts Linz.
Please register until the latest May 6, 2025 via with the subject "Workshop May 2025" and a current certification of enrollment.
The workshop is limited for max. 15 persons (first come, first serve).
The workshop will be held in German. However, texts, comments and discussion in English is possible and welcome.