Press reports on research project "fashion and the far-right. the new complexity in style"
NeoFashFarRight” is an in-depth fashion studies research investigating the current role of fashion for the far right in Europe and the US. The project is led by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held (both from the Institute for Education in the Arts). Both the national and international press have already reported on the research project.
Since the millennium, on both sides of the Atlantic, an international far right has appropriated the “language of fashion” (Barthes) for its strategic purposes. In the course of this, according to our diagnosis of the times, fashion has been weaponized. Fashion plays an essential role in forming and expanding national, transnational, and transatlantic networks of the far right. Contemporary far-right fashion aesthetics are characterized by polysemy and opaqueness, termed here, a “new complexity in style”.
Here you can find excerpts from the reporting: