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List of entries

  • Coffee Table Talk | Research Abroad

    You want to stay abroad during your Ph.D. research temporarily – but how? What is necessary to keep in mind? Which fellowships or funding programs fit your purpose? What does the Academy offer in that matter? What Erasmus formats are there?


    Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, second floor, Raum 201i


  • Invitation to the Defense of Lisa Nyberg

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Lisa Nyberg's dissertation project Pedagogies of the Unknown – Studying for a Future, Without Guarantees.

    Online via Zoom


  • Stepping into the Academic World

    The workshop addresses questions concerning the entry of the field of research and/or an academic career.


    Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz | Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz Austria


  • Coffee Table Talk | ÖAW DOC application

    The Center for Doctoral Studies invites all doctoral students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna to participate in an informative meeting about the preparation of an ÖAW DOC application.




  • Book Presentation: Re-Activating Critical Thinking in the Midst of Necropolitical Realities: For Radical Change

    Presentation of the book volume edited by Marina Gržinić and Jovita Pristovšek

    Book presentation

    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Fine Arts

    Cover of the book For Radical Change
  • Graduate Conference 2022

    The Graduate Conference serves to enhance the visibility of doctoral research projects. The Call for Papers is available for advanced doctoral candidates of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room


  • Invitation to the Defense of Heinrich Deisl

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Heinrich Deisl's dissertation project Wiensounds. Topography of Viennese Sound Cultures 1976 to 1995.

    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Invitation to the Defense of Iris Julian

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the defense of Iris Julian's dissertation project Modes of Collaboration. In Dance, Performance and Visual Arts.

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    Iris Julian performing in the context of “Retrospective” (2011) by Xavier Le Roy, camera: Xavier Le Roy
  • Social Media and Selfbranding

    Your own public appearance is the focus of this workshop: Based on the current state of every participants personal media and social media profile, competencies are discussed and developed in order to expand this for professional and scientific purposes.


    Online via Zoom


  • Summer semester 2022 Open Door

    The Doctoral Center welcomes new and continuing doctoral students to its open door for the summer semester 2022.

    Open Door

    Schillerplatz/ 201


  • Invitation to Rigorosum of Mahsa Malekazari

    The Institute for Art and Architecture of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Mahsa Malekazari's dissertation project Dancing to the tune of light.


    Online via Zoom

    Art and Architecture

    The Institute for Art and Architecture of the Academy of Fine  Arts  Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Mahsa Malekazari's dissertation  project
  Dancing to the tune of light.
  • Invitation to Defense of Esin Akkaya

    The Institute for Education in the Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Esin Akkaya's dissertation project Turkish labour migration in the context of satirical reflection.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Invitation to Defense of Tarkan Tek

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Tarkan Tek’s dissertation project Decolonisation reloaded. The Arab Spring and Decolonization in Tunisia.


    Online via Zoom

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Coffee Table Talk | Final steps: Submission of your Ph.D. thesis

    How to submit my dissertation or Ph.D. thesis? What exactly is meant by revocation application in AkademieOnline? What has this to do with the planned publication of my dissertation thesis? Makes a plagiarism check sense? How and when to register for my defense?

    Online via Zoom


  • Invitation to Defense of Julia Wolf

    The Institute for Education in the Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Julia Wolf’s dissertation project Re-Visioning Histories. Contemporary Artistic Practices of Shifting Histories Based on the Works of Hiwa K and Petrit Halilaj.


    Online via Zoom

    Education in the Arts

  • Invitation to Defense of Mladen Bizumic

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Mladen Bizumic’ dissertation project Photo-capitalism: On Social Relations in the Production and Distribution of Contemporary Art.


    Schillerplatz/ M20

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine  Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Mladen Bizumic’  dissertation project
  Photo-capitalism: On Social Relations in the Production and Distribution of Contemporary Art.
  • How to work self-determined and non-linear!

    A journalistic coaching on artistic-creative practice by and with design journalist Verena Dauerer (Berlin/Tokyo).

    REGISTRATION until 15.11.2021 with eMail


    Impact Academy (Villa Schapira), Max-Emanuel-Straße 17, 1180 Vienna


    A journalistic coaching on artistic-creative practice by and with design journalist Verena Dauerer (Berlin/Tokyo).

 REGISTRATION until 15.11.2021 with eMail
  • Invitation to Defense of Ana Hoffner

    The Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna kindly invites you to the Defense of Ana Hoffner’s dissertation project Desynchronizing the Contemporary.

    The Defense Committee is made up of: Univ.-Prof. Diedrich Diederichsen (chair), Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Sabeth Buchmann (1st supervisor), and Prof. Lee Edelman (external appraiser, Tufts University).


    Online via Zoom

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Invitation to the Defense of Johannes Siegmund

    The Institute for Art Theory and and Cultural Studies of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna indly invites you to the Defense of Johannes Siegmund's dissertation project Expulsion and Founding, on the politicial theory of flight and escape.

    The Defense Committee is made up of: PD Dr. habil. Jens Kastner (chair), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruth Sonderegger (1st supervisor), and assoc. Prof. Andreas Oberprantacher (2nd appraiser).


    Schillerplatz/ M20

    Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Research Day 2021 of the Academy

    The Research Day 2021 of the Academy presents the range of current research activities at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, gives insights into specific projects and their results, and encourages collegial discussions. The Research Day focuses on presentations of research projects in advanced stages.


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room
