Graduate Conference 2019
At the Graduates’ Conference, doctoral candidates present results of their doctoral work.
They are moderated by supervisors from related disciplinary areas. The aim of the conference is the increased visibility of doctoral research and a lively exchange between all disciplines and departments of the Academy.
During the lunch break, the offers of the Center for Doctoral Studies will be presented, in particular the new online submission platform and the existing and new grants for doctoral/PhD candidates of the Academy.
11:00 Opening Andrea B. Braidt, Vice Rector Art | Research
11:15 Andrei Siclodi: Kritisch-emanzipatorische Kunstpraktiken und -institutionen im Wissenskapitalismus
Moderation: Diedrich Diederichsen
12:15 Julia Pennauer: Camp und Trash: Kulturen des Abfalls. Ästhetische Konfigurationen des Marginalen.
Moderation: Andreas Spiegl
13:15 Mittagspause und Informationen des Doktoratszentrums
Informationen zu bestehenden und neuen Förderungen der Akademie für Dissertant_innen und Vorstellung der neuen online Einreichplattform
14:15 Lisa Stuckey: Investigative Ästhetik: rechts- und kunstkritische Annäherungen
Moderation: Angelika Schnell
15:15 Achim Reese: Das Einfamilienhaus als „Liebesdienst“
Moderation: August Sarnitz
* The presentations are in German and start on time!