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Präsentation von Band 12 und 13 der Schriftenreihe der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien


Anlass der Präsentation gibt das Erscheinen der beiden neuen Bände in der Schriftenreihe der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, die seit dem Vorjahr zum renommierten Sternberg-Press Verlag Berlin gewechselt ist. Die Schriftenreihe versammelt Bände aus Kunsttheorie, Kulturwissenschaften, Kunstgeschichte und künstlerischer Forschung, die an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien entstanden sind. Die Themen der Reihe wiederspiegeln zentrale Diskurse, wie sie an der Akademie in den jeweiligen Feldern geführt werden. Die Bände erscheinen als Anthologien mit Texten international relevanter Autor_innen und werden von Mitarbeiter_innender Akademie herausgegeben. Ausgangspunkt für jeden Band bilden internationale Konferenzen, Forschungsprojekte, Vortragsreihen oder institutsspezifische Schwerpunkte in Kunst und Forschung.

Vizerektorin für Kunst und Forschung, Andrea B. Braidt

Präsentation "Trancultural Modernisms"
(Hg. Model House Research Group)
Es sprechen Vertreter_innen der Model House Research Group

Präsentation "Performing the Sentence. Research and Teaching in Performative Fine Arts"
(Hgs. Carola Dertnig, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein)
Es sprechen die Herausgeberinnen

Lilo Nein

Im Anschluss: Erfrischungen

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Über die Bücher:

Model House Research Group (ed.).
Transcultural Modernisms.
Schriftenreihe der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Band 12
Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2013.

Autor_innen: Fahim Amir, Zvi Efrat, Eva Egermann, Nádia Farage, Gabu Heindl, Moira Hille, Rob Imrie, Monica Juneja, Christian Kravagna, Christina Linortner, Duanfang Lu, Marion von Osten, Anoma Pieris, Vikramāditya Prakāsh, Susan Schweik, Felicity D. Scott, Chunlan Zhao

Transcultural Modernisms is based on the findings of an interdisciplinary research project with focus on modernist architectural projects realized in the era of decolonization. It maps out the network of encounters, transnational influences, and local appropriations of an architectural modernity manifested in various ways in housing projects in India, Israel, Morocco, and China that served as exemplary standard models, not only for Western societies. The emphasis in Transcultural Modernisms is on the exchanges and interrelations among international and local actors and concepts, a perspective in which "modernity" is not passively received, but is a concept in circulation, moving in several different directions at once, subject to constant renegotiation and reinterpretation. Modernism is not presented as a universalist and/or European project, but as marked by cultural transfers and their global localization and translation.

Carola Dertnig, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein (eds.).
Performing the Sentence Research and Teaching in Performative Fine Arts.
Schriftenreihe der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Band 13
Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2014.

Autor_innen: Philip Auslander, Sabeth Buchmann, Margarit von Büren, Barbara Clausen, Carola Dertnig, Andrea Fraser, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Simone Forti, Sabina Holzer, Amelia Jones, Carrie Lambert-Beatty, Marie-Luise Lange, Suzana Milevska, Lilo Nein, Susanne Neuburger, Yvonne Rainer, Constanze Ruhm, Dietmar Schwärzler, Stefanie Seibold, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein, Mechtild Widrich, Martha Wilson

Performing the Sentence brings into dialogue the ways that "performative thinking" has developed in different national and institutional contexts, within different disciplines in the arts, and the conditions under which it has devel- oped in experimental art schools. The anthology collects 21 essays and conver- sations that weave in and out of the two key areas of research and teaching within performative fine art. They bring to light the conventions involved in the production, presentation, reception and historicization of performance art, as well as the specific cultural and political implications. The various contributions also show how these conventions are produced through or within each artwork, independent from their specific contexts, offering ways of thinking beyond their usual frames of reference. At the same time they recognize the substantial work carried out by artists, critics, and theorists who have built the meanings, references, and implications since the beginning of the "performative turn."

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Presseanfragen: Claudia Kaiser,