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Canned Food Exorcism

Termin Label
Bildende Kunst
Ort, Treffpunkt (1)
Ort, Adresse (1)
Lehárgasse 8
Ort, PLZ und/oder Ort (1)
1060 Wien
Ort, Raum (1)
EG Nord

Eine Performance von Kajetan Uranitsch (Fachbereich Kunst und Intervention | Umfeld).

On friday 17th, from 18 and 21:00, the work Inzersdorfer Fertiggerichte und Suppen will be activated within the performance  Canned Food Exorcism. It refers to Andy Warhol’s famous Campbell‘s Soup Cans from 1961/62 which consists of 32 silkscreen prints. Kajetan Uranitsch could only paint 24 cans because there are only 24 cans in the same aesthetics and because a Gulasch-demon came and disturbed the process. Come and see how the Gulasch-demon will be exorcised.