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STATION ... see yourself see

Termin Label
Bildende Kunst
Schwarzenbergplatz, 1010 Vienna

Artists: Steffi Alte, Simone Bader, Cäcilia Brown, Rainer Egger, Yasmina Haddad, Bartholomäus Kinner, Saskia te Nicklin, Noële Ody, Abiona Esther Ojo, Samuel Seger
Performative interventions by students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna are planned for autumn.
Organized by Steffi Alte and Simone Bader, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in cooperation with KÖR and Wiener Linien

STATION... see yourself see establishes the historic waiting room shelter of Wiener Linien as a kind of off-space in public space featuring artistic interventions. As an architectural reference, a walk-in staircase sculpture by Bartholomäus Kinner and Samuel Seger stands on the Schwarzenbergplatz in front of the Schwarzenberg monument. At the top of the staircase there is a view of the waiting hall shelter. The sculptural interventions, by Steffi Alte, Cäcilia Brown and Saskia te Nicklin (on the roof of the waiting hall) and that of Noële Ody which is on the inside, are photographically interpreted by Simone Bader/Rainer Egger, Yasmina Haddad and Abiona Esther Ojo.

Photographic intervention by Abiona Esther Ojo, STATION ... project in public space, Vienna

Intervention on top of STATION by Steffi Alte with Saskia Te Nicklin
"... die Aluminiumkonstruktion des Dachzeltes ist zum Einem notwendig, um der geringen Tragkraft des Daches gerecht zu werden. Darüber hinaus hebt sie die Leichtigkeit, die der Architektur des Pavillons inne wohnt, hervor." (Steffi Alte)

Intervention inside STATION by Noële Ody
"The bench in the tram shelter is a large bean pod, next to it is a huge butter toast. Or is it a French toast? Did I
forget to have breakfast? The potential germination power of the beans inside the pod is the capital on which you
rest and wait. An automat offers cassettes to exchange. In response to all questions? Music will save us all. Or
maybe this day." (Noële Ody)

Upcoming during the next 4 month: Photo-Series by Yasmina Haddad with Anahita Asadifar
"nous sommes les enfants des sorcières* que vous n´avez pas pu brulé.es (we are the kids of the witches* you weren´t able to burn)"

Past photo-series until today by Abiona Esther Ojo
"Different shots from previously unseen perspectives change the view again and again. Do not allow clear
attributions. The density of what is represented speaks for itself. The discrepancy between the hidden and
the transparent could not be bigger. ." (Abiona Esther Ojo)