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Open days 2008

Event Label
Organisational Units

daily from 10 am to 8 pm

The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna offers a tour through the collections and the departments and studios of the Institute for Fine Arts, the Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies, the Institute for Art and Architecture, the Institute for Secondary School Teaching Degrees, the Institute for Conservation and Restoration, and the Institute for Natural Sciences and Technologies in Art.

You have the opportunity to make yourself acquainted with the university at work and get an impression of current projects and processes during a tour from 24 to 26 January 2008. Both members of the teaching personnel and students of all courses will be glad to answer the visitors' qustions and are open for discussion.

Special events | Guided tours

Special events

Thurs, 24 January 2008, 6 pm | Studio Building, 1st floor, Studio south
(in English)
Dr. Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, "Creating Resistances. Kunstpolitische Interventionen im Spannungsfeld von Dekolonisierung, Allianzen und Widerständen"
Conceptual Art | Prof. Marina Grzinic
More information (in German)

Thurs, 24 January, 7 pm | Studio Building, 1st floor, Studio north
Christian Falsnaes , "Number one/the syntax error", Live-Performance
Art and Digital Media | Prof. Constanze Ruhm

© Christian Falsnaes

Fri, 25 January 2008, 5.30 pm | Studio Building, 1st floor, Studio south
book presentation with Anette Baldauf, "Entertainment Cities. Stadtentwicklung und Unterhaltungskultur"
Springer Verlag Vienna/New York
Anette Baldauf in conversation with Nicole Szolga
Video and Videoinstallation | Prof. Dorit Margreiter

Fri, 25 January 2008, 6 pm | Institute Building , 3rd floor, lecture space
Madeleine Bernstorff, "Die High School-Filme von Frederick Wiseman"
High School 1, USA 1968, 75 min. | High School 2, USA 1994, 220 min.
More information (in German)

Fri, 25 January 2008, 6 pm | Main Building, basement, anatomy theatre
"Zeitgenössische Druckgrafik in Österreich", lecture by Prof. Dr. Philipp Maurer, editor of the magazine "Um:Druck"
Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch
More information (in German)

Photo: Michael Hedwig: movements of the soul, etching

Fri + Sat, 25 + 26 January 2008, 7 pm |
Main Building, basement, nude studio
Fine Arts with Focus on Performative Techniques | Associate Prof. Carola Dertnig
Live-Performances by students More information (in German)

Sat, 26 January 2008, 6 pm |
Main Building, basement, anatomy theatre
Contextual Painting/Drawing | Prof. Hans Scheirl
"harpy goes to lalaland", Performance by Kathrin Maria Anna Füßl
More information (in German)

Sat, 26 January 2008, 6.30 pm |
Main Building, 1st floor, Aula
"Towards a well tempered Architecture"
Roundtable with: Baumschlager & Eberle (architects, Austria) /
Françoise Fromonot (architect and critic, France) / Gabu Heindl
(architect, Austria) / Jochen Käferhaus (consulting engineer,
Austria) / Arjen Oosterman (editor-in-chief of Volume Magazine, The
Netherlands) / Nasrine Seraji (architect, France) a.o.

Ecological issues give back credibility and expertise to architects;
maybe they even make us be loved again. Why? Perhaps because they are scientific, measurable and evaluative. Ecological topics raise
awareness, win competitions, and attract large investments, as
reports on CO2 emission and climate catastrophes capture worldwide news. Thus it is time to reflect on ecology: what is the "reality of
ecology", as opposed to current "images of ecology"? And how many
realities are there anyway?
How can we rethink sustainability on organisational, programmatic, political, urban and regional levels?

Open days 2007
Photo: Lisa Rastl

Guided tours

Guided Tours through the Main Building and the Institute Buildings of the Academy
(in cooperation with the ÖH - Students' Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna )

Thurs, 24 January 2008, 5 + 7 pm
Fri, 25 January 2008, 2 + 4 + 7 pm
Sat, 26 January 2008, 2 + 4 + 7 pm
Meeting point: Aula (booking not required)

"About the history of the Academy"
Guided tour with Monika Knofler, director of The Graphic Collection of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Fri + Sat, 25 + 26 January 2008, 5 pm
Meeting point: Aula (booking not required)

Guided tours from the Institute for Conservation and Restoration through the studios for Modern and Contemporary Art, polychrome sculpture, wood and wallpaintings
Fri + Sat, 25 + 26 January 2008, 5.30 pm
Meeting point: Room 101 (booking not required)

Guided tours through The Picture Gallery
Sat, 26 January 2008, 3 pm: "Das Licht malen", guided tour to the exhibition "Traum vom Süden. Die Niederländer malen Italien"
Sat, 26 January 2008, 5 pm: "Das Weltgerichts-Triptychon des Hieronymus Bosch"
Meeting point: Picture Gallery (Room 106, booking not required), admission reduced, guided tours for free

Guided Tours for school classes
Fri, 25 January 2008, 10 - 12 am
Booking required: Mag. Claudia Kaiser
T +43 (1) 588 16-226, M

Guided Tours for school classes through the Institute for Education in the Arts, Institute building:
booking required: T +43 (1) 523 52 61-40 or 41

Main Building | Schillerplatz 3 | 1010 Vienna
Studio Building | Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Vienna
Institute Building | Karl Schweighofergasse 3 | 1070 Vienna

Main Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Schillerplatz 3 | 1010 Vienna

Institute for Fine Arts

Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques | Prof. Gunter Damisch

Printing Studio
Venue | Basement, room S 13

Fri, 25 January 2008, 6 pm
Prof. Dr. Philipp Maurer, "Zeitgenössische Druckgrafik in Österreich" (lecture)
Please see special events
Venue | Basement, anatomy theatre

Sissi Makovec, "Marzipanskulptur"
Venue | 1st floor, foyer

Venue | 1st floor, room E 12

Venue | 1st floor, corridor, rooms 111, 114, 117

"The tower of love"
| 2nd floor, tower 4

Contextual Painting/Drawing | Prof. Hans Scheirl

Sat, 26 January 2008, 6 pm
"harpy goes to lalaland", Performance von Kathrin Maria Anna Füßl
Venue | Basement, anatomy theatre
Please see special events

Venue | 1st floor, room 116

Venue | 2nd floor, rooms 215, 217, 218, 219, 221

"The tower of love"
| 2nd floor, tower 4

Fine Arts with Focus on Performative Techniques | Associate Prof. Carola Dertnig
Attention! Only Fri + Sat, 25 + 26 January 2008, 7 pm:
Live-Performances by students
Please see special events
Venue | Basement, nude studio

Performative Art - Sculpture | Prof. Monica Bonvicini
Venue | 1st floor, Exhibition Spaces

Object Sculpture | Prof. Manfred Pernice
Venue | 1st floor, Exhibition Spaces

Textual Sculpture | Prof. Heimo Zobernig
Venue | 1st floor, Exhibition Spaces

Abstract Painting | Prof. Erwin Bohatsch

Installation by Bernadette Anzengruber
Venue | Staircase right, first floor/basement

Jonas Fröhlich, "Schuhe", 2007, Video
Venue| Staircase left, Mezzanine/1st floor

Venue | 1st floor, room E 4

Venue | 1st floor, corridor, room 118

Venue | 2nd floor, room 222, tower 3 + 4

Art and Photography | Prof. Matthias Herrmann

Caroline Heider , "Pinocchio war eine Skulptur...
(... und ich fand sie im Keller)"
Venue | Staircase left, 1st floor/2nd floor

Photo: Caroline Heider, Like a model, No. 3, Print folded, 70 x 100 cm, 2007

"one I love, two I love, three I love I say;", Videoinstallation by Anna Barfuss and Aafke Weller
Venue | 1st floor, room E 10, Sitzungssaal

Figurative Painting | Prof. Amelie von Wulffen
Venue | 1st floor, room E 17

Institute for Art and Architecture

Prof. Michelle Howard, Prof. Bart Lootsma, Prof. Markus Schaefer, Prof. Nasrine Seraji, Prof. Wolfgang Tschapeller, Guest Prof. Peter Leeb

Sat, 26 January 2008, 6.30 pm
"Towards a well tempered Architecture"
Please see special events
Venue | 1st floor, Aula

Project works of  "Architecture after Tomorrow"
Venue | 2nd floor, corridor, rooms 211a, 203b
More information (in German)

"From their House to our House", First Year Studio
Venue |
2nd floor, room 209

Institute for Conservation and Restoration

Prof. Wolfgang Baatz (Conservation and Restoration), Prof. Gerda Kaltenbruner (Conservation and Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Art)

Videos: Palais Epstein, "Refer - Relate - Memory" (contribution to the Curator Project 2006)
Powerpoint presentations of student works
Fri + Sat, 25 + 26 January 2008, 5.30 pm
Venue | 1st floor, rooms 101, 103
More information (in German)

Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies

Thurs, 24 January 2008, 1 - 3 pm:
Informational meeting with mit Prof. Sabeth Buchmann und Associate Prof. Felicitas Thun
Sat, 26 January 2008, 2 - 6 pm:
Lectures in cooperation with Context XXI
Eva Illouz, "Consuming the romantic utopia. Love and the cultural contradictions of capitalism"
Klaus Theweleit, "Liebesweise mediale Frau. Personenverbrauch und Reihenbildung in künstlerischen Paarbeziehungen"
Venue | Mezzanine, room M 13 a

Thurs, 24 January 2008, 6 pm:
Prof. Elisabeth Samsonow , "Die anthropologische Deutung von Kunst. Am Beispiel der psychedelisch ornamentierten Maori-Boote", lecture
Venue | Mezzanine, room M 16

Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts

Prof. Manfred Schreiner, "Digitale Bildbearbeitung und Bildinterpretation"
More information (in German)
Venue | 2nd foor, room 201

International Relations

Fri, 25 January 2008, 2 - 4 pm: "Get inspired - study abroad!", Multimedia presentations of studies abroad by students of the Academy
Newcastle: Laura Ledwina (Restoration, own organisation) Santiago de Chile: Veronika Geiger (Art Education, Kooperations- schule)
Kopenhagen: Viktoria Schandl (Architecture, Erasmus)
Reykjavik: Thomas Hörl (Fine Arts, Erasmus)
London: Sangam Sharma (Fine Arts, Erasmus).
Venue | 1st floor, room E 6

ÖH - Students' Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Attention! Daily opening hours 9 am - 6 pm
Free Coffee and cake as long as available!
Daily 10 - 12 am and 14 - 16 pm: Information about studies
Venue | 1st floor, room E 5

University Library

Attention! Special opening hours:
Thurs + Fri, 24 + 25 January 2008, 9.30 am - 5 pm
Sat, 26 January 2008, 2 - 7 pm

Thurs, 24 January 2008, 2.15 pm:
Beatrix Bastl, "Ewige Strukturen für ewiges Gedächtnis. Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Architektur und Erziehung", lecture
Venue | Basement, anatomy theatre

Fri, 25 January 2008, 3 pm: opening of the exhibition "kaffee_satz_lesen", painting cycle by Rolf Laven
Sat, 26 January 2008, 3 pm: Laszlo Varvasovsky, "Jakob der Zaubärbär", children's book presentation
Venue | 1st floor, Mezzanine, Lesesaal, room M 7

Book flea market
Venue | 1st floor, Mezzanine, Lesesaal, room M 7

The Picture Gallery
Attention! Daily 10 am to 8 pm, admission reduced!

"Traum vom Süden. Die Niederländer malen Italien"
Guided tour (for free):
Sat, 26 January 2008, 3 pm: "Das Licht malen"
Guided tour to the current exhibition
5 pm: "Das Weltgerichts-Triptychon des Hieronymus Bosch"
Venue | 1st floor, room 106

Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Lehárgasse 8 | 1060 Wien

Institute for Fine Arts

Visual Arts

Soundstudio | Franz Pomassl
Attention! Only Thurs + Fri,  24 + 25 January 2008
Presentation of the new Soundstudio
Fri, 25 January 2008, 8 pm: Party (Live acts, DJs, Visuals)
detailed program:
Venue | Basement

Art and Photography | Prof. Matthias Herrmann
Project presentations with coffee and cake
Venue | 1st floor, Studio south

Performative and Medial Techniques, course by Katrina Daschner
"Performing Photography"
More information (in German)
Venue | 1st floor, Exhibition space north

Conceptual Art | Prof. Marina Grzinic

Thurs, 24 January 2008
4 pm: Opening of the exhibition and project presentations
6 pm: Dr. Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur, "Creating Resistances" (guest lecture in English language)
Please see special events
8 pm: Screenings by Kadri Muzaqi, Regina Wuzella and Aleksandra Aleksic; afterwards international filmvideo-program arranged by Michael Pötschko
Venue | 1st floor, Studio south

Fri, 25 January 2008
4 pm: Project presentations
6 pm: Katharina Morawek, "On Politics of Display"
(lecture in English language)
8 pm: Performance by Peter Haselmayer; afterwards international filmvideo-program arranged by Michael Pötschko
Venue | 1st floor, Studio south

Sat, 26 January 2008
3 pm: Project presentations
5 pm: Screenings by Muzaffer Hasaltay + Johannes Klemen + Adnan Popovic
7 pm: Performance by Dorian Bonelli + Siegfried König
Venue | 1st floor, Studio south

Video and Videoinstallation | Prof. Dorit Margreiter
"Script/I'm Making Art"
| 1st floor, Studio north, media room

Fri, 25 January 2008, 5.30 pm: book presentation
Anette Baldauf, "Entertainment Cities. Stadtentwicklung und Unterhaltungskultur"
Springer Verlag Wien/New York
Anette Baldauf in conversation with Nicole Szolga
Please see special events
Venue | 1st floor, Studio north

Kunst und digitale Medien | Prof. Constanze Ruhm
"Space Is a Place. Unreliable Narrators / Maps Unfolding in Real Time / Shots and Countershots"
Students' presentation of projects and project drafts from the winter term 07 | 08.
Information on lectures, film program and performances during the opening days 2008 please find at .

Thurs, 24 January 2008: Program media class
4 - 6 pm: Thinking without the box
Venue | 1st floor, Studio north

"Thinking without the box" is a platform by the departments Video and Videoinstallation | Prof. Dorit Margreiter and Art and Digital Media | Prof. Constanze Ruhm

6 - 7 pm: Tea Time
Take a seat and enjoy:
Tea - Cookies - Snacks

7 - 8.30 pm: Performances
7 pm: Number One von Christian Falsnaes
Please see special events

7.30 pm: Lecture : "Der Andere" by Franziska Pflaum (read by Andrea Nitsche)

8 pm: Lecture , Poetry by Branko Andric
Sleeping Performance :
Sleeping in different contexts by Djana Covic
Thurs, 24 January 2008, 4 - 10 pm
Fri, 25 January 2008, 12 am - 6 pm
Sat, 26 January 2008, 12 am - 6 pm

Expanded Pictorial Space | Prof. Daniel Richter
"Selbst mit großen Augen | Self/even with big eyes"
Thurs, 24 January 2008, 9 pm: Live concert | OK KiNG
Sat, 26 January 2008, 8 pm: Party
Venue | 1st floor, Studio south

Fine Arts with Focus on Art in Public Space | Associate Prof. Mona Hahn
Venue | 2nd floor, Multi-Purpose Space

Film and TV Studio | Doz. Bettina Henkel
"Dokumentation als künstlerische Strategie im Spannungsfeld zum Reenactment", project presentations
Venue | 2nd floor, Multi-Purpose Space

Stage Design | Prof. Erich Wonder
Presentation of the term project "John Gabriel Borkmann" by Henrik Ibsen
Venue | 3rd floor

Institute Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3 | 1060 Vienna

Education in the Arts
Attention! Special opening hours:
Thurs, 24 January 2008, 4 - 8 pm
Fri + Sat, 25 + 26 January 2008, 10 am - 6 pm

Guided Tours for school classes:
Booking required: T +43 (1) 523 52 61-40 or 41

Art Education | Prof. Marion von Osten
Textile Arts | Prof. Elke Gaugele
Design, Architecture and Education | Prof. Martin Beck

Student's exhibitions and presentations
Venue | all floors

Open studio: Graphic Arts and Printmaking Techniques
Venue | 1st floor

"Textile Proceedings", open fashion studio, research from the Science-Fashion-Laboratory, PelzCouture, school projects and further selected student's projects
Venue | 2nd floor

ÖH - Students' Union at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Daily 12 am - 5 pm
Free Coffee and cake as long as available!
Daily 2 - 4 pm
Information about studies
Venue | 2nd floor, students café

"Akademie macht Schule 2008", exhibition of the results of the workshops "Zwischenräume" with pupils from the schools BG+BRG Boerhavegasse and BORG Hegelgasse (in cooperation with the Institute for Art and Architecture).
Venue | 3rd floor

"Das Erziehungsbild" | Filmscreenings
Fri, 25 January 2008, 3 pm: Prof. Harun Farocki | Film and TV, "Lehrstücke", with sequences from "Die Schulung", "Leben - BRD", "Die Bewerbung"
Fri, 25 January 2008, 6 pm: Madeleine Bernstorff, "Die High School-Filme von Frederick Wiseman"
High School 1, USA 1968, 75 min. | High School 2, USA 1994, 220 min.
Please see special events
Venue | 3rd floor, lecture space

"Ooh Las Vegas! - Feldstudien zu realen und imaginierten Zeichensystemen", Ausstellung der Recherche von Studierenden des Seminars "Display, Unterhaltung, Urbanität"
Venue | 4th floor

Sat, 26 January 2008, as from 8 pm: "HooHoo: IKL Party" (all welcome)
Venue | 4th floor

Public Space

Fine Arts - Art with an extended pictoral space | Associate Prof. Judith Huemer
" Meidlinger Markt ER:LEBT "
Project cooperation between students from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna University of Technology and KÖR - Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien.
More information (in German)

Shuttle Service | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna - Meidlinger Markt

Departure times (Please see also schedule at the stations) :

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna
Fri, 25 January 2008: 12.30, 1.30, 2.30 pm
Sat, 26 January 2008: 10.30, 11.30 am

Meidlinger Markt, market stand 91, 1120 Vienna
Fri, 25 January 2008: 1, 2, 3 pm
Sat, 26 January 2008: 11, 12 am

Stand Meidlinger Markt