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Exhibitions / Events

List of entries

  • DARK ENERGY. Feminist Organizing, Working Collectively

    Curators: Véronique Boilard, Andrea Haas, Nina Höchtl, Julia Wieger

    Participants: Felicity Allen; Anti*Colonial Fantasies – Imayna Caceres, Sunanda Mesquita, Sophie Utikal; Chantal DuPont; ff. Feministisches Fundbüro; Martha Fleming und Lyne Lapointe; Vera Frenkel; Anne Golden; Althea Greenan; Minna Henriksson; Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński; Annette Krauss and the shifting team at the Casco Art Institute; lamathilde; Tanya Mars; Diane Poitras; Anne-Marie Proulx; Martha Rosler; Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski; Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken; Vidéographe; Joyce Wieland; Aida Wilde

    Opening hours: Tue–Fri, 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Sat: 11.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m., closed on Sun, Mon and holidays, free access


    xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, Corner Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna


    Curators: Véronique Boilard, Andrea Haas, Nina Höchtl, Julia Wieger

 Participants: Felicity Allen; Anti*Colonial Fantasies – Imayna Caceres, Sunanda Mesquita, Sophie Utikal; Chantal DuPont; ff. Feministisches Fundbüro; Martha Fleming und Lyne Lapointe; Vera Frenkel; Anne Golden; Althea Greenan; Minna Henriksson; Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński; Annette Krauss and the shifting team at the Casco Art Institute; lamathilde; Tanya Mars; Diane Poitras; Anne-Marie Proulx; Martha Rosler; Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski; Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken; Vidéographe; Joyce Wieland; Aida Wilde

 Opening hours: Tue–Fri, 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Sat: 11.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m., closed on Sun, Mon and holidays, free access
  • Thesis Exhibition 18|19, Vol. I

    The exhibition presents the final works of the IBK graduates Zoe Dewitt, Michael Gülzow, Line Finderup Jensen,  Nikolaus Lapuch, Andreas Messinger, Barbara Stöhr bug blanket and Veronika Szűcs.



    The exhibition presents the final works of the IBK graduates Zoe Dewitt,  Michael Gülzow, Line Finderup Jensen,  Nikolaus Lapuch, Andreas  Messinger, Barbara Stöhr bug blanket and Veronika Szűcs.
  • Archival Practices, Imaginations and Future Histories

    A gathering set in motion by the Secretariat of Ghosts, Archival Politics and Gaps Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski , Kathy Carbone and Roshini Kempadoo.

    As pre-program of the exhibition DARK ENERGY. feminist organizing, working collectively this gathering assembles artists, archivists and scholars committed to finding disruptive and engendering modes of engaging with archives.

    Hauptgebäude/ Universitätsbibliothek, Lesesaal, 0.5.1


    A gathering set in motion by the Secretariat of Ghosts, Archival Politics and Gaps
  Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski
  Kathy Carbone
  Roshini Kempadoo.

 As pre-program of the exhibition
   DARK ENERGY. feminist organizing, working collectively
 this gathering assembles artists, archivists and scholars committed to finding disruptive and engendering modes of engaging with archives.
  • xposit / One Eighteen. The Alumni Exhibition Series of The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    The exhibition series xposit presents works by students and graduates recommended by professors of the Academy in the rectors’ offices.


    Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, mainbuilding, Augasse 2–6, 1090 Vienna, A1.10.1 and B1.10.11


    The exhibition series xposit presents works by students and graduates  recommended by professors of the Academy in the rectors’ offices.
  • xposit / One Eighteen. The Alumni Exhibition Series of The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    The exhibition series xposit presents works by students and graduates recommended by professors of the Academy in the rectors’ offices.


    Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, mainbuilding, Augasse 2–6, 1090 Vienna, A1.10.1 and B1.10.11


    The exhibition series xposit presents works by students and graduates  recommended by professors of the Academy in the rectors’ offices.
  • Pro(s)thesis & Posthuman Complicities

    Opening hours: Tue-Sun, holydays (17.04. and 01.05.),10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
    xhibit: free access
    Paintings Gallery: regular entrance fee - please visit

    Curators: Berenice Pahl, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
    Architecture: Dorit Margreiter
    Artists: Renate Bertlmann (AUT), Lisa Bufano (USA), Virginia Chihota (ZIM), Chitka (Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová) (CZE/SVK), Erika Fransson (SWE), Kerstin von Gabain (USA/AUT), Judith Hopf (GER), Rebecca Horn (GER), Anne Imhoff (GER), Birgit Jürgenssen (AUT), Mari Katayama (JPN), Brigitte Lang (AUT), Roberta Lima (BRA/AUT), Kumi Machida (JPN), Iris L. Moore (CAN), Nadine Rennert (GER), Barbis Ruder (AUT), Toni Schmale (AUT), Anne Schneider (AUT), Evelin Stermitz (AUT), Angela Su (HKG), Viktoria Tremmel (AUT), Anna Vasof (GRC/AUT)

    Posthuman Complicities
    Curators: Andrea Popelka, Lisa Stuckey
    Artists: Viltė Bražiūnaitė (LTU/AUT) & Tomas Sinkevičius (LTU/SWE), Joey Holder (GBR), Paul Maheke (FRA/GBR), Jennifer Mattes (AUT), The Otolith Group (GBR), M. NourbeSe Philip (CAN), Stefanie Schwarzwimmer (AUT/DEU) , Wolfgang Tillmans (DEU)

    Exhibition dates

    Picture Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


    Opening hours: Tue-Sun, holydays (17.04. and 01.05.),10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
 xhibit: free access
 Paintings Gallery: regular entrance fee - please visit

 Curators: Berenice Pahl, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
 Architecture: Dorit Margreiter
 Artists:  Renate Bertlmann (AUT), Lisa Bufano (USA), Virginia Chihota (ZIM),   Chitka (Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová) (CZE/SVK), Erika Fransson   (SWE), Kerstin von Gabain (USA/AUT), Judith Hopf (GER), Rebecca Horn   (GER), Anne Imhoff (GER), Birgit Jürgenssen (AUT), Mari Katayama (JPN),   Brigitte Lang (AUT), Roberta Lima (BRA/AUT), Kumi Machida (JPN), Iris  L.  Moore (CAN), Nadine Rennert (GER), Barbis Ruder (AUT), Toni Schmale   (AUT), Anne Schneider (AUT), Evelin Stermitz (AUT), Angela Su (HKG),   Viktoria Tremmel (AUT), Anna Vasof (GRC/AUT)

  Posthuman Complicities
 Curators: Andrea Popelka, Lisa Stuckey
 Artists:  Viltė Bražiūnaitė (LTU/AUT) & Tomas Sinkevičius  (LTU/SWE), Joey  Holder (GBR), Paul Maheke (FRA/GBR), Jennifer Mattes  (AUT), The Otolith  Group (GBR), M. NourbeSe Philip (CAN), Stefanie  Schwarzwimmer  (AUT/DEU) , Wolfgang Tillmans (DEU)
  • mumok, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien


    Vermittlungsprogramm im Rahmen der Ausstellung
  Pro(s)thesis & Posthuman Complicities
  • Pro(s)thesis & Posthuman Complicities

    Opening hours: Tue-Sun, holydays (17.04. and 01.05.),10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
    xhibit: free access
    Paintings Gallery: regular entrance fee - please visit

    Curators: Berenice Pahl, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
    Architecture: Dorit Margreiter
    Artists: Renate Bertlmann (AUT), Lisa Bufano (USA), Virginia Chihota (ZIM), Chitka (Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová) (CZE/SVK), Erika Fransson (SWE), Kerstin von Gabain (USA/AUT), Judith Hopf (GER), Rebecca Horn (GER), Anne Imhoff (GER), Birgit Jürgenssen (AUT), Mari Katayama (JPN), Brigitte Lang (AUT), Roberta Lima (BRA/AUT), Kumi Machida (JPN), Iris L. Moore (CAN), Nadine Rennert (GER), Barbis Ruder (AUT), Toni Schmale (AUT), Anne Schneider (AUT), Evelin Stermitz (AUT), Angela Su (HKG), Viktoria Tremmel (AUT), Anna Vasof (GRC/AUT)

    Posthuman Complicities
    Curators: Andrea Popelka, Lisa Stuckey
    Artists: Viltė Bražiūnaitė (LTU/AUT) & Tomas Sinkevičius (LTU/SWE), Joey Holder (GBR), Paul Maheke (FRA/GBR), Jennifer Mattes (AUT), The Otolith Group (GBR), M. NourbeSe Philip (CAN), Stefanie Schwarzwimmer (AUT/DEU) , Wolfgang Tillmans (DEU)


    Picture Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


    Opening hours: Tue-Sun, holydays (17.04. and 01.05.),10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
 xhibit: free access
 Paintings Gallery: regular entrance fee - please visit

 Curators: Berenice Pahl, Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
 Architecture: Dorit Margreiter
 Artists:  Renate Bertlmann (AUT), Lisa Bufano (USA), Virginia Chihota (ZIM),   Chitka (Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová) (CZE/SVK), Erika Fransson   (SWE), Kerstin von Gabain (USA/AUT), Judith Hopf (GER), Rebecca Horn   (GER), Anne Imhoff (GER), Birgit Jürgenssen (AUT), Mari Katayama (JPN),   Brigitte Lang (AUT), Roberta Lima (BRA/AUT), Kumi Machida (JPN), Iris  L.  Moore (CAN), Nadine Rennert (GER), Barbis Ruder (AUT), Toni Schmale   (AUT), Anne Schneider (AUT), Evelin Stermitz (AUT), Angela Su (HKG),   Viktoria Tremmel (AUT), Anna Vasof (GRC/AUT)

  Posthuman Complicities
 Curators: Andrea Popelka, Lisa Stuckey
 Artists:  Viltė Bražiūnaitė (LTU/AUT) & Tomas Sinkevičius  (LTU/SWE), Joey  Holder (GBR), Paul Maheke (FRA/GBR), Jennifer Mattes  (AUT), The Otolith  Group (GBR), M. NourbeSe Philip (CAN), Stefanie  Schwarzwimmer  (AUT/DEU) , Wolfgang Tillmans (DEU)
  • xposit / Two Sixteen. The Alumni Exhibition Series Of The Academy Of Fine Arts Vienna

    In memoriam Gunter Damisch
    Matthias Bernhard, Luz Olivares Capelle, sowohl als auch [both the one and the other]

    In the 2016/2017 winter semester, xposit two sixteen is dedicated to the memory of Gunter Damisch – artist, teacher, human being and friend.


    Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, main building, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Office of the Rector, room M 5, and Office of the Vice-Rector for Art | Research, room M 21


    In memoriam Gunter Damisch
  Matthias Bernhard, Luz Olivares Capelle,
   sowohl als auch
  [both the one and the other]

 In the 2016/2017 winter semester, xposit two sixteen is dedicated to the memory of Gunter Damisch – artist, teacher, human being and friend.
  • LIVING ON | In Other Words on Living?

    Opening hours: Tue–Sun, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m, Free admission
    Special opening days:
    closed on 24.12., 25.12.2016 and 01.01.2017
    open on 26.12., 31.12.2016 and 02.01.2017, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

    With works by: Thomas Ender, Em’kal Eyongakpa, Lorenz Helfer, Clara Ianni & Clara Ianni in cooperation with Débora Maria da Silva, Juliana dos Santos, Nossa Voz, producers of Kayapó, Tucano and Karajá, Monira Al Qadiri and Tracey Rose
    Curators: Delal Isci and Thiago de Paula Souza

    Exhibition dates



    Opening hours: Tue–Sun, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m, Free admission
 Special opening days:
 closed on 24.12., 25.12.2016 and 01.01.2017
 open on 26.12., 31.12.2016 and 02.01.2017, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  With works by:
 Thomas Ender, Em’kal Eyongakpa, Lorenz Helfer, Clara Ianni & Clara Ianni in cooperation with Débora Maria da Silva, Juliana dos Santos, Nossa Voz, producers of Kayapó, Tucano and Karajá, Monira Al Qadiri and Tracey Rose
 Delal Isci and Thiago de Paula Souza
  • Konzepte der Landschaft und Erinnerung

    Kurator_innenführung mit Delal Isci (Deutsch)

    Vermittlungsprogramm im Rahmen der Austellung Weiterleben | In anderen Worten über Leben?



    Kurator_innenführung mit Delal Isci (Deutsch)

 Vermittlungsprogramm im Rahmen der Austellung
  Weiterleben | In anderen Worten über Leben?
  • LIVING ON | In Other Words on Living?

    Opening hours: Tue–Sun, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m, Free admission
    Special opening days:
    closed on 24.12., 25.12.2016 and 01.01.2017
    open on 26.12., 31.12.2016 and 02.01.2017, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

    With works by: Thomas Ender, Em’kal Eyongakpa, Lorenz Helfer, Clara Ianni & Clara Ianni in cooperation with Débora Maria da Silva, Juliana dos Santos, Nossa Voz, producers of Kayapó, Tucano and Karajá, Monira Al Qadiri and Tracey Rose
    Curators: Delal Isci and Thiago de Paula Souza




    Opening hours: Tue–Sun, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m, Free admission
 Special opening days:
 closed on 24.12., 25.12.2016 and 01.01.2017
 open on 26.12., 31.12.2016 and 02.01.2017, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  With works by:
 Thomas Ender, Em’kal Eyongakpa, Lorenz Helfer, Clara Ianni & Clara Ianni in cooperation with Débora Maria da Silva, Juliana dos Santos, Nossa Voz, producers of Kayapó, Tucano and Karajá, Monira Al Qadiri and Tracey Rose
 Delal Isci and Thiago de Paula Souza
  • ROAD*REGISTERS. Records of mobile lifeworlds

    An exhibition realized in the context of the WWTF (Vienna Science and Technology Fund) research project STOP AND GO. Nodes of Transformation and Transition.

    Opening hours: Tue–Sun 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., free admission
    Special opening hours: Long Night of Museums, 01.10.2016, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 a.m.; 26.10.2016 and 01.11.2016 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

    Gerd Arntz, Boris Despodov, Thomas Grabka, Martin Grabner, Michael Hieslmair, Kurt Hörbst, Helmut Kandl, Johanna Kandl, Emiliya Karaboeva, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas, Matthias Klos, Las Vegas Studio, Sonia Leimer, Vesselina Nikolaeva, Katarzyna Osiecka, Zara Pfeifer, Tarmo Pikner, Lisl Ponger and Tim Sharp, Maximilian Pramatarov, Ed Ruscha, SOMAT-Archiv, Allan Sekula and Noël Burch, Gabriele Sturm, Tanja Vukosavljevic, Ina Weber, Želimir Žilnik, Michael Zinganel
    Curators: Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel

    Exhibition dates


    An exhibition realized in the context of the WWTF (Vienna Science  and Technology Fund) research project STOP AND GO. Nodes of  Transformation and Transition.
 Opening hours: Tue–Sun 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., free admission
 Special opening hours: Long Night of Museums, 01.10.2016, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 a.m.; 26.10.2016 and 01.11.2016 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
 Gerd  Arntz, Boris Despodov, Thomas Grabka, Martin Grabner, Michael  Hieslmair, Kurt Hörbst, Helmut Kandl, Johanna Kandl, Emiliya Karaboeva,  Mindaugas Kavaliauskas, Matthias Klos, Las Vegas Studio, Sonia Leimer,  Vesselina Nikolaeva, Katarzyna Osiecka, Zara Pfeifer, Tarmo Pikner, Lisl  Ponger and Tim Sharp, Maximilian Pramatarov, Ed Ruscha, SOMAT-Archiv,  Allan Sekula and Noël Burch, Gabriele Sturm, Tanja Vukosavljevic, Ina  Weber, Želimir Žilnik, Michael Zinganel
 Curators: Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel
  • Road*Registers on site. Test field: the everyday mobility routine

    Program accompanying the exhibition realized in the context of the WWTF (Vienna Science and Technology Fund) research project STOP AND GO. Nodes of Transformation and Transition.

    Stop and Go Project Space, Nordwestbahnhof, Taborstraße 95, Ladestraße 1, A-1200 Vienna, Entrance: Quehenberger Logistics GmbH, Public transport: trams 2 and 5 [Am Tabor]


    Program accompanying the exhibition realized in the context of the WWTF  (Vienna Science and Technology Fund) research project STOP AND GO. Nodes  of Transformation and Transition.
  • ROAD*REGISTERS. Records of mobile lifeworlds

    An exhibition realized in the context of the WWTF (Vienna Science and Technology Fund) research project STOP AND GO. Nodes of Transformation and Transition.

    Opening hours: Tue–Sun 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., free admission
    Special opening hours: Long Night of Museums, 01.10.2016, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 a.m.; 26.10.2016 and 01.11.2016 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

    Gerd Arntz, Boris Despodov, Thomas Grabka, Martin Grabner, Michael Hieslmair, Kurt Hörbst, Helmut Kandl, Johanna Kandl, Emiliya Karaboeva, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas, Matthias Klos, Las Vegas Studio, Sonia Leimer, Vesselina Nikolaeva, Katarzyna Osiecka, Zara Pfeifer, Tarmo Pikner, Lisl Ponger and Tim Sharp, Maximilian Pramatarov, Ed Ruscha, SOMAT-Archiv, Allan Sekula and Noël Burch, Gabriele Sturm, Tanja Vukosavljevic, Ina Weber, Želimir Žilnik, Michael Zinganel
    Curators: Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel


    Main Building/ xhibit


    An exhibition realized in the context of the WWTF (Vienna Science  and Technology Fund) research project STOP AND GO. Nodes of  Transformation and Transition.
 Opening hours: Tue–Sun 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., free admission
 Special opening hours: Long Night of Museums, 01.10.2016, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 a.m.; 26.10.2016 and 01.11.2016 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
 Gerd  Arntz, Boris Despodov, Thomas Grabka, Martin Grabner, Michael  Hieslmair, Kurt Hörbst, Helmut Kandl, Johanna Kandl, Emiliya Karaboeva,  Mindaugas Kavaliauskas, Matthias Klos, Las Vegas Studio, Sonia Leimer,  Vesselina Nikolaeva, Katarzyna Osiecka, Zara Pfeifer, Tarmo Pikner, Lisl  Ponger and Tim Sharp, Maximilian Pramatarov, Ed Ruscha, SOMAT-Archiv,  Allan Sekula and Noël Burch, Gabriele Sturm, Tanja Vukosavljevic, Ina  Weber, Želimir Žilnik, Michael Zinganel
 Curators: Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel
  • xposit / one sixteen. The alumni exhibition series at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    Each semester, works by three alumni recommended by professors at the Academy are exhibited in the offices of the Rectorate.

    This semester, works by the artists Anke Dorothea Dyes (Master in Critical Studies under Diedrich Diederichsen) and Berenice Pahl (Fashions and Styles under Elke Gaugele), as well as by Lea Huck (Conservation and Restoration under Wolfgang Baatz) are on display.

    Artist talk

    Schillerplatz/ Rektorat, M5, Schillerplatz/ M21


    Each semester, works by three alumni recommended by professors at the Academy are exhibited in the offices of the Rectorate.

 This semester, works by the artists
  Anke Dorothea Dyes
 (Master in Critical Studies under Diedrich Diederichsen) and
  Berenice Pahl
 (Fashions and Styles under Elke Gaugele), as well as by
  Lea Huck
 (Conservation and Restoration under Wolfgang Baatz) are on display.
  • Uncanny Materials | Founding Moments of Art Education

    A curatorial exhibition, research and education project

    Opening hours: Tue–Sun, 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m., admission free
    Special opening hours: 28.03.2016 (Easter Monday ), 01.+05.05.2016 and 16.05.2016 (Whit Monday) / 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.

    Opening : Thursday, March 10, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
    Welcome address
    : Eva Blimlinger, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
    : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht, Institute for Education in the Arts, Studio of Art and Education
    : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht

    Exhibition Graphics Alexander Ach Schuh

    With contributions by

    Tal Adler/Friedemann Derschmidt/Elisabeth Samsonow/Karin Schneider/Anna Szöke/Niko Wahl, Anna Artaker, Eva Blimlinger, Ramesch Daha, Zsuzsi Flohr/Benjy Fox-Rosen/Eduard Freudmann/Eva Reinold/Luisa Ziaja, Lena Rosa Händle, Minna L. Henriksson, Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski, Gila Kolb, Martin Krenn, Ina Markova/Rosemarie Burgstaller/Sophie Bitter-Smirnov, Verena Pawlowsky, Sabine Plakolm, Birgit Peter, Dirk Rupnow, Hansel Sato, Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken (Nina Höchtl und Julia Wieger), Anna Schürch, Bernadette Settele, Nora Sternfeld, Suely Rolnik, Wer hat Angst vor dem Museum? (Imayna Caceres/Pêdra Costa/Verena Melgarejo Weinandt).

    Exhibition dates


    A curatorial exhibition, research and education project

  Opening hours:
 Tue–Sun, 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m., admission free
  Special opening hours:
  (Easter Monday
 ), 01.+05.05.2016 and 16.05.2016 (Whit Monday) / 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.

 : Thursday, March 10, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
  Welcome address
 : Eva Blimlinger, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
 : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht, Institute for Education in the Arts, Studio of Art and Education
 : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht

  Exhibition Graphics
 Alexander Ach Schuh

  With contributions by

 Tal Adler/Friedemann Derschmidt/Elisabeth  Samsonow/Karin Schneider/Anna Szöke/Niko Wahl, Anna Artaker, Eva  Blimlinger, Ramesch Daha, Zsuzsi Flohr/Benjy Fox-Rosen/Eduard  Freudmann/Eva Reinold/Luisa Ziaja, Lena Rosa Händle, Minna L.  Henriksson, Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski, Gila Kolb, Martin Krenn, Ina  Markova/Rosemarie Burgstaller/Sophie Bitter-Smirnov, Verena Pawlowsky,  Sabine Plakolm, Birgit Peter, Dirk Rupnow, Hansel Sato, Sekretariat für  Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken (Nina Höchtl und Julia Wieger), Anna  Schürch, Bernadette Settele, Nora Sternfeld, Suely Rolnik,
  Wer hat Angst vor dem Museum?
 (Imayna Caceres/Pêdra Costa/Verena  Melgarejo Weinandt).
  • Uncanny Materials | Founding Moments of Art Education

    A curatorial exhibition, research and education project

    Opening hours: Tue–Sun, 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m., admission free
    Special opening hours: 28.03.2016 (Easter Monday ), 01.+05.05.2016 and 16.05.2016 (Whit Monday) / 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.

    Opening : Thursday, March 10, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
    Welcome address
    : Eva Blimlinger, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
    : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht, Institute for Education in the Arts, Studio of Art and Education
    : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht

    Exhibition Graphics Alexander Ach Schuh

    With contributions by

    Tal Adler/Friedemann Derschmidt/Elisabeth Samsonow/Karin Schneider/Anna Szöke/Niko Wahl, Anna Artaker, Eva Blimlinger, Ramesch Daha, Zsuzsi Flohr/Benjy Fox-Rosen/Eduard Freudmann/Eva Reinold/Luisa Ziaja, Lena Rosa Händle, Minna L. Henriksson, Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski, Gila Kolb, Martin Krenn, Ina Markova/Rosemarie Burgstaller/Sophie Bitter-Smirnov, Verena Pawlowsky, Sabine Plakolm, Birgit Peter, Dirk Rupnow, Hansel Sato, Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken (Nina Höchtl und Julia Wieger), Anna Schürch, Bernadette Settele, Nora Sternfeld, Suely Rolnik, Wer hat Angst vor dem Museum? (Imayna Caceres/Pêdra Costa/Verena Melgarejo Weinandt).



    A curatorial exhibition, research and education project

  Opening hours:
 Tue–Sun, 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m., admission free
  Special opening hours:
  (Easter Monday
 ), 01.+05.05.2016 and 16.05.2016 (Whit Monday) / 10.00 a.m.–6.00 p.m.

 : Thursday, March 10, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
  Welcome address
 : Eva Blimlinger, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
 : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht, Institute for Education in the Arts, Studio of Art and Education
 : Elke Krasny and Barbara Mahlknecht

  Exhibition Graphics
 Alexander Ach Schuh

  With contributions by

 Tal Adler/Friedemann Derschmidt/Elisabeth  Samsonow/Karin Schneider/Anna Szöke/Niko Wahl, Anna Artaker, Eva  Blimlinger, Ramesch Daha, Zsuzsi Flohr/Benjy Fox-Rosen/Eduard  Freudmann/Eva Reinold/Luisa Ziaja, Lena Rosa Händle, Minna L.  Henriksson, Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski, Gila Kolb, Martin Krenn, Ina  Markova/Rosemarie Burgstaller/Sophie Bitter-Smirnov, Verena Pawlowsky,  Sabine Plakolm, Birgit Peter, Dirk Rupnow, Hansel Sato, Sekretariat für  Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken (Nina Höchtl und Julia Wieger), Anna  Schürch, Bernadette Settele, Nora Sternfeld, Suely Rolnik,
  Wer hat Angst vor dem Museum?
 (Imayna Caceres/Pêdra Costa/Verena  Melgarejo Weinandt).
  • xposit / two fifteen. The alumni exhibition series at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    Each semester, works by three alumni recommended by professors at the Academy are exhibited in the offices of the Rectorate.

    This semester, works by the artists Andrea Haas (Art and Education under Elke Krasny) and Anastasiya Yarovenko (Figurative Painting under Kirsi Mikkola), as well as by the architect Edward George Lloyd (under Hannes Stiefel) are on display.

    Artist talks

    Schillerplatz/ Rektorat, M5, Schillerplatz/ M21


    Each semester, works by three alumni recommended by professors at the Academy are exhibited in the offices of the Rectorate.
 This semester, works by the artists
  Andrea Haas
 (Art and Education under  Elke Krasny) and
  Anastasiya Yarovenko
 (Figurative Painting under Kirsi  Mikkola), as well as by the architect
  Edward George Lloyd
 (under Hannes  Stiefel) are on display.