Exhibitions / Events
List of entries
Jessyca R. Hauser. You make me feel like a natural disaster
13.12., 18.00 h Lesung: Jessyca R. Hauser
Öffnungszeiten: Di–Fr, 11.00–18.00 h, Sa: 11.00–15.00 h, So, Mo und an Feiertagen: geschlossen, Eintritt freiEine Ausstellung im Rahmen von xposit 2019: Sight and Non-sight .
SIGHT AND NON-SIGHT | Jessyca R. Hauser, Miae Son, Sophie Pölzl
Konzept: Stephanie Damianitsch
Öffnungszeiten: nach Vereinbarung unter vizerektorin_kunst@akbild.ac.at , +43 (1) 58816-1100, Eintritt frei
Rektorat, 1. Stock, Trakt A und B
Special School for Sculpture
Opening hours: Tue–Fri, 11.00 am-6.00 pm, Sat, 11.00 am-3.00 pm, closed on Sun, Mon and holidays, free access
An exhibition at the invitation of: Simone Bader, Jannik Franzen, Katharina Hölzl, Pille-Riin Jaik, Ma Jia, Jakob Krameritsch, Emanuel Mauthe, Florian Mayr, Jelena Micić, Bianca Phos, Heimo Zobernig
Contributors: Steffi Alte, AQUARIUM Archive, Berhanu Ashagrie, Simone Bader, Tina Bepperling, Josef Dabernig, Jannik Franzen, Valerie Habsburg, Pille-Riin Jaik, Ma Jia, Leopold Kessler, Elisabeth Kihlström, Roland Kollnitz, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Florian Mayr, Sabelo Mlangeni, Christian Mühlbauer, Noële Ody, Bianca Phos, Marion Porten, Liesl Raff, Samuel Seger, Eva Seiler, Werner Würtinger, Heimo Zobernig
Exhibition dates
xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11 | at the corner of Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
Jessyca R. Hauser. You make me feel like a natural disaster
13.12., 18.00 h Lesung: Jessyca R. Hauser
Öffnungszeiten: Di–Fr, 11.00–18.00 h, Sa: 11.00–15.00 h, So, Mo und an Feiertagen: geschlossen, Eintritt freiEine Ausstellung im Rahmen von xposit 2019: Sight and Non-sight .
Special School for Sculpture
Opening hours: Tue–Fri, 11.00 am-6.00 pm, Sat, 11.00 am-3.00 pm, closed on Sun, Mon and holidays, free access
An exhibition at the invitation of: Simone Bader, Jannik Franzen, Katharina Hölzl, Pille-Riin Jaik, Ma Jia, Jakob Krameritsch, Emanuel Mauthe, Florian Mayr, Jelena Micić, Bianca Phos, Heimo Zobernig
Contributors: Steffi Alte, AQUARIUM Archive, Berhanu Ashagrie, Simone Bader, Tina Bepperling, Josef Dabernig, Jannik Franzen, Valerie Habsburg, Pille-Riin Jaik, Ma Jia, Leopold Kessler, Elisabeth Kihlström, Roland Kollnitz, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Florian Mayr, Sabelo Mlangeni, Christian Mühlbauer, Noële Ody, Bianca Phos, Marion Porten, Liesl Raff, Samuel Seger, Eva Seiler, Werner Würtinger, Heimo Zobernig
xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11 | at the corner of Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
L-Stadt: Dem Vertreiber der Jüdinnen und Juden aus Wien
L-Stadt: Dem Vertreiber der Jüdinnen und Juden aus Wien , Workshop zum 2. Bezirk mit Eduard Freudmann
Vermittlungsprogramm im Rahmen der Ausstellung Spezialschule für Bildhauerei (bis 14.12.2019).
Sophie Pölzl. My knees are pink floating islands
Öffnungszeiten: Di–Fr, 11.00–18.00 h, Sa: 11.00–15.00 h, So, Mo und an Feiertagen: geschlossen, Eintritt frei
Eine Ausstellung im Rahmen von xposit 2019: Sight and Non-sight .
Field Within
Opening hours: Tue–Fri, 11.00 am-6.00 pm, Sat, 11.00 am-3.00 pm, closed on Sun, Mon and holidays, free access
Curator: Mariel Rodríguez
Artists: Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Cana Bilir-Meier, Juliana Borinski, Guillermo Gómez-Peña & Balitronica Gómez (La Pocha Nostra), Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, Stephanie Misa, Érika Ordosgoitti
Field Within is an exploration into recent manifestations of the ethnographic turn in contemporary art through the works of six artists and one artist collective.
xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, Corner Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
Sophie Pölzl. My knees are pink floating islands
Öffnungszeiten: Di–Fr, 11.00–18.00 h, Sa: 11.00–15.00 h, So, Mo und an Feiertagen: geschlossen, Eintritt frei
Eine Ausstellung im Rahmen von xposit 2019: Sight and Non-sight .
Border Clásicos – an evening with mexican performance artist and author Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Sketches of Balitronica Gómez
As part of the exhibition Field Within (12.07.- 14.09.2019) .
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Atelierhaus, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna, Prospekthof, gate 2
Field Within
Opening hours: Tue–Fri, 11.00 am-6.00 pm, Sat, 11.00 am-3.00 pm, closed on Sun, Mon and holidays, free access
Curator: Mariel Rodríguez
Artists: Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Cana Bilir-Meier, Juliana Borinski, Guillermo Gómez-Peña & Balitronica Gómez (La Pocha Nostra), Verena Melgarejo Weinandt, Stephanie Misa, Érika Ordosgoitti
Field Within is an exploration into recent manifestations of the ethnographic turn in contemporary art through the works of six artists and one artist collective.
xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, Corner Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
Thesis Exhibition 18|19, Vol. II
The exhibition presents the final works of the IBK graduates Elisa Alberti, Andreas Dvořák, Eiko Gröschl, Julia Haugender, Tobias Pilz, Lukas Reischauer aka Ponyboy, Oliver Riedel, Sophie Utikal, Nina Vobruba and Corinna Wrana.
xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, Corner Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
DSQ — will have nothing left to use
Performances by Andi Dvořák as part of the Thesis Exhibition 18|19, Vol. II.
xE – Exhibition space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, at the corner of Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
DSQ — will have nothing left to use
Performances by Andi Dvořák as part of the Thesis Exhibition 18|19, Vol. II.
xE – Exhibition space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, at the corner of Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
Thesis Exhibition 18|19, Vol. II
The exhibition presents the final works of the IBK graduates Elisa Alberti, Andreas Dvořák, Eiko Gröschl, Julia Haugender, Tobias Pilz, Lukas Reischauer aka Ponyboy, Oliver Riedel, Sophie Utikal, Nina Vobruba and Corinna Wrana.
xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, Corner Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
MIAE SON. Your house did, anyway
Di–Fr: 11.00–18.00 h, Sa: 11.00–15.00 h, So, Mo und an Feiertagen: geschlossen
DARK ENERGY. Feminist Organizing, Working Collectively
Curators: Véronique Boilard, Andrea Haas, Nina Höchtl, Julia Wieger
Participants: Felicity Allen; Anti*Colonial Fantasies – Imayna Caceres, Sunanda Mesquita, Sophie Utikal; Chantal DuPont; ff. Feministisches Fundbüro; Martha Fleming und Lyne Lapointe; Vera Frenkel; Anne Golden; Althea Greenan; Minna Henriksson; Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński; Annette Krauss and the shifting team at the Casco Art Institute; lamathilde; Tanya Mars; Diane Poitras; Anne-Marie Proulx; Martha Rosler; Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski; Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpolitiken und Lücken; Vidéographe; Joyce Wieland; Aida Wilde
Opening hours: Tue–Fri, 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Sat: 11.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m., closed on Sun, Mon and holidays, free access
Exhibition dates
xE – Exhibition Space of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, Corner Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
Dark Energy. Curator's guided tour and book launch
As part of the exhibition DARK ENERGY. Feminist Organizing, Working Collectively
xE – Exhibition room of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 11, Corner Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna
The Watermelon Woman
Das Filmscreening ist Teil des Rahmenprogramms zur Ausstellung DUNKLE ENERGIE. Feministisch organisieren, kollektiv arbeiten , die vom 29.03. bis 25.05. 2019 im xE – Ausstellungsraum der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien gezeigt wird.
Blickle Kino im Belvedere 21, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Wien
MIAE SON. Your house did, anyway
Di–Fr: 11.00–18.00 h, Sa: 11.00–15.00 h, So, Mo und an Feiertagen: geschlossen