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Exhibitions / Events

List of entries

  • Tarot Reading by Yasemin Duru

    We invite you to join Yasemin Duru for some personal tarot readings, which take place in the Stressless Space at Exhibit Studio.

    In context of Stressless Space


    Exhibit Studio

  • Guided Tour

    Guided tour with Iklim Dogan through this part of Conditions and Frameworks. Infrastructure as Form and Medium. at Eschenbachgasse.

    Guided Tour


    Exhibit Eschenbachgasse

    view of a room with exhibition items in front, some city maps on the floor and on the wall in the back, also two lines of red stripes on the wall
  • Guided Tour

    Guided tour with Ina Ebenberger through this part of Conditions and Frameworks. Infrastructure as Form and Mediumat exhibition at Eschenbachgasse.

    Guided Tour


    Exhibit Eschenbachgasse

    view of a room with exhibition items in front, some city maps on the floor and on the wall in the back, also two lines of red stripes on the wall
  • Infrastructural Writing for Troubling Times

    In context of the exhibition Conditions and Frameworks: Infrastructure as Form and Medium

    Reading Group and Writing Workshop


    Exhibit Gallery

  • Infrastructural Writing for Troubling Times

    In context of the exhibition Conditions and Frameworks: Infrastructure as Form and Medium

    Reading Group and Writing Workshop


    Exhibit Gallery

  • Resiliance and Survival Strategies

    An exhibition with works by: Elisa Bergmann, Carolin Melia Brendel and Helena McFadzean, Sattva Giacosa, Rubén Ezequiel Löwy, Alina Meyer, Sunggu Hong, Shaya Safaisini, Nazira Karimi

    Softopening on Friday, February 11, 2 to 6 pm


    Exhibit Studio

    An exhibition with works by: Elisa Bergmann, Carolin  Melia Brendel and Helena McFadzean, Sattva Giacosa, Rubén Ezequiel Löwy,  Alina Meyer, Sunggu Hong, Shaya Safaisini, Nazira Karimi

 Softopening on Friday, February 11, 2 to 6 pm
  • Opening Events: Conditions and Frameworks: Infrastructure as Form and Medium

    On March 8, 2022 the exhibition Conditions and Frameworks: Infrastructure as Form and Medium at Exhibit Galerie and Exhibit Eschenbachgasse. The opening ceremony will take place from 6 pm on in the Aula. In addition, there will be an intervention by Hanna Kučera and Kristyna Nytrova (7 pm) at Eschenbachgasse, as well as a presentation of VAN Art Space (starting at 6 pm) in front of the main building of the Academy. At 9 pm, the Nightwalk Feminist Nightscapes will take place on Zoom.

    Opening Events

    Schillerplatz/ Aula, Eschenbachgasse, Schillerplatz

    Exhibit Gallery

    On March 8, 2022 the exhibition
  Conditions and Frameworks: Infrastructure as Form and Medium
 at Exhibit Galerie and Exhibit Eschenbachgasse. The opening ceremony  will take place from 6 pm on in the Aula. In addition, there will be an  intervention by Hanna Kučera and Kristyna Nytrova (7 pm) at  Eschenbachgasse, as well as a presentation of VAN Art Space (starting at  6 pm) in front of the main building of the Academy. At 9 pm, the  Nightwalk
  Feminist Nightscapes
 will take place on Zoom.
  • Opening: Conditions and Frameworks: Infrastructure as Form and Medium

    Curated by: Martin Beck, Sabeth Buchmann, Stephanie Damianitsch
    Cooperation partners at the Academy: Carolin Bohlmann, Iman Issa, Elke Krasny, Angelika Schnell


    Schillerplatz, Eschenbachgasse

    Exhibit Gallery

    a collage of post its and pictures on a dark ground, with different questions in different colors on white paper
  • and then /ai/ flipped the photograph

    At this late hour of the exhibitions, the early hour of the unseen remnant is becoming, dancing away in patterns. A formless friendship is being formed, a desire and an uneasiness arise, and then the textiles immerse deep into the water, where the photographs encounter the colours of the spectrum.

    Exhibit Gallery

    At this late hour of the exhibitions, the early hour of the unseen  remnant is becoming, dancing away in patterns. A formless friendship is  being formed, a desire and an uneasiness arise, and then the textiles  immerse deep into the water, where the photographs encounter the colours  of the spectrum.
  • Finissage: The Poiesis of Composting

    Anlässlich der Finissage der Ausstellung The Poiesis of Composting findet ein Artist Talk (14 Uhr) sowie eine Round-Table-Diskussion mit Kuratorinnen (16 Uhr) statt.



    Exhibit Eschenbachgasse

    Anlässlich der Finissage der Ausstellung
   The Poiesis of Composting
 findet ein Artist Talk (14 Uhr) sowie eine Round-Table-Diskussion mit Kuratorinnen (16 Uhr) statt.
  • Opening Events: Resilience and Survival Strategies

    Im Rahmen des Eröffnungswochenendes der Ausstellung Resilience and Survival Strategies findet die Performance Relation between zombies and green (11.2., 16:30 Uhr) statt.

    Exhibit Studio

    Im Rahmen des Eröffnungswochenendes der Ausstellung
  Resilience and Survival Strategies
 findet die Performance
  Relation between zombies and green
 (11.2., 16:30 Uhr) statt.
  • Opening Events: Resilience and Survival Strategies

    Im Rahmen des Eröffnungswochenendes der Ausstellung Resilience and Survival Strategies findet die Performance Relation between zombies and green (11.2., 16:30 Uhr) statt.


    Schillerplatz/ OG1

    Exhibit Studio

    Im Rahmen des Eröffnungswochenendes der Ausstellung
  Resilience and Survival Strategies
 findet die Performance
  Relation between zombies and green
 (11.2., 16:30 Uhr) statt.
  • Resiliance and Survival Strategies

    An exhibition with works by: Elisa Bergmann, Carolin Melia Brendel and Helena McFadzean, Sattva Giacosa, Rubén Ezequiel Löwy, Alina Meyer, Sunggu Hong, Shaya Safaisini, Nazira Karimi

    Softopening on Friday, February 11, 2 to 6 pm



    Exhibit Studio

    An exhibition with works by: Elisa Bergmann, Carolin  Melia Brendel and Helena McFadzean, Sattva Giacosa, Rubén Ezequiel Löwy,  Alina Meyer, Sunggu Hong, Shaya Safaisini, Nazira Karimi

 Softopening on Friday, February 11, 2 to 6 pm
  • Gender and Space 1

    An exhibition by the 1st Gender and Space programme headed by Professor Stefanie Seibold in the study year 2020/21.

    Soft Opening: December 17, 2 am–6 pm

    Curatorial team: William Metin Martin, Em Schwarzwald, Huda Takriti and Stefanie Seibold. With contributions by Anahita Asadifar, Josephine Baltzersen, Yeongeun Jeun, William Metin Martin, Em Schwarzwald, Stefanie Seibold, Huda Takriti and Kajetan Uranitsch and a text by Karoline Feyertag.



    Exhibit Studio

    An exhibition by the 1st
  Gender and Space
 programme headed by Professor Stefanie Seibold in the study year 2020/21.

  Soft Opening: December 17, 2 am–6 pm

 Curatorial team: William Metin Martin, Em Schwarzwald, Huda Takriti and Stefanie Seibold. With contributions by Anahita Asadifar, Josephine Baltzersen, Yeongeun Jeun, William Metin Martin, Em Schwarzwald, Stefanie Seibold, Huda Takriti and Kajetan Uranitsch and a text by Karoline Feyertag.
  • Thicket of Ideas – Thicket of Times. Studierende der Akademie im Dialog mit Raqs Media Collective

    Artists: İklim Doğan, Nikolas Ettel, Jannik Franzen, Giulia Gabrielli, Natalia Gurova, Kyungrim Jang, Robert Jolly, Julia Kronberger, Cathérine Lehnerer, Guilherme Pires Mata, Sebastian Meyer, Vitória Monteiro, Michelle Seidl, Sophie Anna Stadler, Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh
    Curator: Stephanie Damianitsch



    Exhibit Gallery

    Artists: İklim Doğan, Nikolas Ettel, Jannik Franzen, Giulia Gabrielli, Natalia Gurova, Kyungrim Jang, Robert Jolly, Julia Kronberger, Cathérine Lehnerer, Guilherme Pires Mata, Sebastian Meyer, Vitória Monteiro, Michelle Seidl, Sophie Anna Stadler, Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh
 Curator: Stephanie Damianitsch
  • Exhibit Forum

    Präsentation der
  Cathrin Pichler Preisträgerin 2021
  • The Poiesis of Composting @ Rundgang

    In context of this year's Open Days several events take place in the exhibition The Poiesis of Composting.

    Opening Times Open Days:
    20.1., 4 to 9 pm
    21.1.–22.1., 11 am to 8 pm
    23.1., 11 am to 6 pm

    The 2G Plus regulation applies.

    Exhibit Eschenbachgasse

    In context of this year's Open Days several events take place in the exhibition
  The Poiesis of Composting.

 Opening Times Open Days:
 20.1., 4 to 9 pm
 21.1.–22.1., 11 am to 8 pm
 23.1., 11 am to 6 pm

 The 2G Plus regulation applies.
  • Paneldiskussionen: Universitäres Ausstellen

    Die vom Referat für zeitgenössische Ausstellungen konzipierten Panels widmen sich aktuellen Fragen, denen im Bereich der Ausstellungstheorie und -praxis hohe Relevanz zukommt und die im Ausstellungsprogramm der Akademie für das Jahr 2022 Eingang finden.


    Schillerplatz, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Aulaund per Livestream

    Exhibit Gallery

    Die vom Referat für zeitgenössische Ausstellungen konzipierten Panels widmen sich aktuellen Fragen, denen im Bereich der Ausstellungstheorie und -praxis hohe Relevanz zukommt und die im Ausstellungsprogramm der Akademie für das Jahr 2022 Eingang finden.
  • Franzis Kabisch in conversation with Miriam Gertz

    Franzis Kabisch is Cathrin Pichler Prize winner of 2021.

    Artist Talk

    Exhibit Forum

    Exhibit Forum

    Franzis Kabisch is Cathrin Pichler Prize winner of 2021.
  • Speaking Objects

    As her contribution to the exhibition Thicket of Ideas – Thicket of Times Cathérine Lehnerer offers a workshop in cooperation with Rawan Almohamad, Munar Khalid Biiq and Arabina Amedoska.

    For this event the 2G Plus regulation applies.



    Exhibit Gallery

    As her contribution to the exhibition
   Thicket of Ideas – Thicket of Times
 Cathérine Lehnerer offers a workshop in cooperation with Rawan Almohamad, Munar Khalid Biiq and Arabina Amedoska.

 For this event the 2G Plus regulation applies.