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List of entries

  • Introducing Artistic Provenance Research (and how to interview the dead)

    Lecture by Tal Adler as part of the IBK lecture series, organized by the Media Lab, Friedemann Derschmidt.

    Schillerplatz/ M20

    Fine Arts

  • Civil Society Reimagined

    Marina Gržinić, Sophie Uitz, Jovita Pristovšek (Eds.), Civil Society Reimagined. Citizens’ Memories and Imaginaries: Democratic Citizenship, Munich: kopaed 2024

    Book presentation

    Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
    Breite Gasse 3
    1070 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • TQW Winter School – Closing Party

    Susie Flowers, La Terre’ und Sheezus H. Christin
    In Cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Art and Time | Performance


    TQW Studios
    Museumsplatz 1
    A-1070 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • New Mutual Trust Societies, General Intellect and the Horror Losing Consciousness

    Guest lecture by John Barker as part of the IBK lecture series at the invitation of the studio for Art and Image | Context.


    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Fine Arts

  • Rescheduled: Screening: Pourquoi Israël (Claude Lanzmann)

    Students, teachers and alumni of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna are showing Pourquoi Israël by Claude Lanzmann


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room

    Fine Arts

    two persons speaking in front of a bush
  • David Roth - Doing Things with Painting

    Artist Talk with David Roth, organized from the studio Art and Image | Graphics.

    Artist Talk

    Schillerplatz/ Anatomy Hall

    Fine Arts

  • Eine Wand mit Gesichtern (A wall with faces)

    Painting by Fabian Köttl on the KUNSTWAND at WIEN MITTE The Mall. Winning project of a tender by WIEN MITTE in cooperation with the Faculty Studio Expanded Pictorial Space of Univ. Prof. Daniel Richter.


    KUNSTWAND WIEN MITTE The Mall, 1st Floor

    Fine Arts

    Art wall at Wien Mitte showing the artwork of Fabian Köttl
  • Omer Krieger - Public Actions

    Lecture by Omer Krieger as part of the IBK lecture series/Ringvorlesung, organised by Eduard Freudmann


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room

    Fine Arts

  • Ulrike Hanstein: Ein feministisches Curriculum: Überlieferungen des Woman’s Building (Los Angeles)

    The lecture is organized in cooperation with the visiting professorship Gender and Space Dr. Romana Hagyo, Institute for Fine Arts and the professorship Art and Education Dr. Elke Krasny, Institute for Education in the Arts and takes place in the context of the lecture series Current Positions in Gender Studies of the Austrian Society for Gender Studies

    Online Lecture (German)


    Fine Arts

    Portrait Picture of a women with short gray hair and a smile
  • Stop Filming Us But Listen! Decomposing the Colonial Gaze

    Film screening, talk and lecture with Bernadette Vivuya (DRC) and Ganza Buroko (DRC).
    A cooperation of Art and Intervention/Concept (IBK), Postcolonial Studies (IKW) and queer:feminist department of of the students' union.

    Film and Talks

    Studio Building/ studio north

    Fine Arts

  • Eric Baudelaire: make, do, with

    Lecture by Eric Baudelaire as part of the IBK lecture series/Ringvorlesung, organised by the studio of Art and Space | Spatial Strategies ( Iman Issa)


    Schillerplatz 3
    1010 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • 19. Best Austrian Animation Festival

    A project by ASIFA Austria in cooperation with Filmcasino, Sehsaal, the workshop for Artistic Animated Film at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and

    Film Festival

    Various locations

    Fine Arts

  • Gender and Space Workshop with Cristina Dezi presented by Mz Baltazars Lab

    Organized by the Institute for Fine Arts, studio for Gender and Space, lecture in English.


    Mz Baltazars Lab
    Jägerstraße 52-54
    1200 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Best Austrian Animation Festival: Practical symposium

    The symposium will be in German language.

    A project by ASIFA Austria in cooperation with Filmcasino, Sehsaal, the workshop for Artistic Animated Film at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and


    Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts

    pink animated clouds
  • Recognition in practice - How do I submit an application?

    We provide a hands-on introduction to the world of paperwork for recognition of examinations and other competences. 

    Information event

    Online via Zoom

    Fine Arts

  • How Your Daily Life Influences Your Artistic Personality

    Lecture by Maryam Kouhestani, Iran, organized by the studio for Art and Intervention | Concept, Post-conceptual Art Practices/Prof. Grzinic.


    Studio Building/ 1. floor, studio south

    Fine Arts

  • The House of Plausible, Probable, Possible and Preferable Futures

    Students from the studio Art and Time | Photography have been invited to showcase and present their work for the 14th OFF Bratislava, festival of photography. The students each deal freely with the topic of this years photography festival with their own personal perspective and take on the matter.


    Kunsthalle Bratislava
    SNP Square 12

    Fine Arts

  • Über Malerei: 2023 retour 1991 / Suse Krawagna

    Suse Krawagna in conversation with Kirsten Borchert and Luisa Kasalicky.

    Über Malerei is a talk series initiated by the studio for Art and Image | Abstraction in 2013. Students, alumni, faculty and quests meet do discuss contemporary painting exclusively through the means of original works.



    Fine Arts

  • Gender and Space Tour with Anna T. (curator) in the exhibition Close[t] Demonstrations, an exhibition on the multitudes of queer invisibility

    An event organized by the studio of Gender and Space at the Institute of Fine Arts. Lecture in English

    The event series Gender and Space Tours/Talks/Workshops explores and develops approaches to intervene in spatial orders, which are always also gender orders, to question or rework them.

    Guided Tour

    Hockegasse 37, House 4
    1180 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Muslim*Contemporay 2023 I The Third Edition

    The third edition of Muslim*Contemporary is titled Von Gästen zu Gastgebenden - War das jetzt unfreundlich?! and reflects on the fact that Vienna was once again named the most unfriendly city.


    Exhibit Eschenbachgasse 11 | at the corner of Getreidemarkt, 1010 Vienna and further locations

    Fine Arts

  • Recognition in practice - How do I submit an application?

    We provide a hands-on introduction to the world of paperwork for recognition of examinations and other competences. 

    Information event

    Online via Zoom

    Fine Arts

  • #nachgefragt. History has many perspectives

    Saphira Wing, actress, is one of the portrayed persons in the exhibition VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6 Portraits | 31 Conversations | 6 Languages.


    Alma Rosé-Plateau
    Hofburg, Heldenplatz
    1010 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Zwischenwurzeln

    An exhibition project by the studio Expanded Pictorial Space-Action/Sculpture/Installation.


    Forstmuseum Silvanum
    Großreifling 33
    8931 Landl

    Fine Arts

  • Árvores que andam, rios que vão me mergulhar - um universo muito maior que o Humano // Bäume, die gehen, Flüsse, die mich untertauchen - ein Universum, das viel größer ist als das menschliche

    Artist talk by Uýra, Moderation: Marissa Lobo and Faris Cuchi
    Uýra is artist in residence  (04.09 - 03.11.2023) at the Studio Das Weisse Haus in cooperation with Kulturen in Bewegung. The talk is organized by studio for Art and Intervention | Concept and kültüř gemma!


    Studio Building/ 1. floor, studio south

    Fine Arts

  • Curator's talk: VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6 Portraits I 31 Conversations I 6 Languages

    In the curator's talk, interested parties will learn more about the background of the artistic video installation VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6 Portraits | 31 Conversations | 6 Languages.

    Guided Tour

    Alma Rosé-Plateau
    1010 Wien

    Fine Arts

  • We are inside

    In a cooperation with the IHS, students of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna exhibit their artworks at the Palais Strozzi.


    Palais Strozzi, Salon
    Josefstädter Straße 39
    1080 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Information on recognition from previous studies and competences in the Fine Arts study program

    We would like to cordially invite all students of Fine Arts to the following info session on the Fine Arts curriculum: Information on recognitions from previous studies and competences acquired outside the university in the Fine Arts curriculum.

    Information event

    Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts

  • Conviviality in Practice | 2-day workshop and research in situ

    Research exchange: Cape Town (South Africa). Erasmus + and FWF-PEEK AR 679
    The aim of this project is to engage in processes of co-establishment with artists in order to establish and share what will be called “convivial epistemologies.” In order to attain convivial practices of living together it is necessary to find a new common epistemological ground.


    Ritchie Studio, Michaelis School of Fine Arts, Universität von Kapstadt

    Fine Arts

  • Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts

  • VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6 Portraits | 31 Conversations | 6 Languages

    On October 4, 2023, the artistic installation will open at the Alma Rosé Plateau. It thematizes the multi-layered lives of six people who share them in conversation with different audiences.


    Neue Burg

    Fine Arts