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List of entries

  • Conviviality in Practice | 2-day workshop and research in situ

    Research exchange: Cape Town (South Africa). Erasmus + and FWF-PEEK AR 679
    The aim of this project is to engage in processes of co-establishment with artists in order to establish and share what will be called “convivial epistemologies.” In order to attain convivial practices of living together it is necessary to find a new common epistemological ground.


    Ritchie Studio, Michaelis School of Fine Arts, Universität von Kapstadt

    Fine Arts

  • Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts

  • VIELGESCHICHTIG. 6 Portraits | 31 Conversations | 6 Languages

    On October 4, 2023, the artistic installation will open at the Alma Rosé Plateau. It thematizes the multi-layered lives of six people who share them in conversation with different audiences.


    Neue Burg

    Fine Arts

  • Bridging Bodies, Technology, Theory, and AI for Civic Resistance

    This symposium is part of the Ludic Method lecture series. The symposium is supported by the research project Conviviality as Potentiality (2021-2025), funded by Austrian Science Fund FWF: AR 679.


    University of Applied Arts Vienna
    Experimental Game Cultures
    Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1.floor
    1010 Vienna

    Fine Arts


    An event of artistic animation film.


    Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts


    An event of artistic animation film.


    Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts


    An event of artistic animation film.


    Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space

    Fine Arts

  • Life on its own: Finissage and Reading

    Finissage of the group exhibition Life on its own with students from the Object Sculpture department and reading of the work Dies war mein Titel im Mai by Anne Schmidt and Inga Charlotte Thiele.

    Finissage and Reading

    Kunstraum Schwaz
    Palais Enzenberg
    Franz-Josef-Straße 27
    6130 Schwaz

    Fine Arts

    installation view
  • Life on its own

    Life on Its Own is a group exhibition with students from the Object Sculpture department at the Institute for Fine Arts by Julian Göthe, Gabriele Edelbauer and Michael Part.


    Kunstraum Schwaz
    Palais Enzenberg
    Franz-Josef-Straße 27
    A-6130 Schwaz

    Fine Arts

    Ausstellungsansicht mit diversen Kunstobjekten in einem hellen weißen Raum
  • Come una pupilla al variare della luce

    Exhibition by Constanze Ruhm, Professor of Art and Digital Media.


    Belvedere 21
    Arsenalstraße 1
    1030 Wien

    Fine Arts

    Girl with a reflective shard.
  • Vienna Neue Kühlschrank Show

    An exhibition by graduates and students of the Department of Expanded Pictorial Space at the Institute for Fine Arts, curated by Prof. Daniel Richter.


    Krinzinger Schottenfeld
    Schottenfeldgasse 45
    1070 Vienna

    Fine Arts

    exhibition view with paintings on the wall
  • Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation

    The Austrian Cultural Forum London in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Central Saint Martins London presents Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation, an exhibition featuring the work of twelve early-career artists who work across installation, performance, painting, sculpture, sound and new media.


    Austrian Cultural Forum London
    28 Rutland Gate
    London SW7 1PQ

    Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Sideshadowing

    An Exhibition of the studio for Sculpture and Installation.


    KS Room: Dörfl 1
    8333 Kornberg
    (reachable by train and bike via Feldbach an der Raab)

    Fine Arts

    Die Einladungskarte zeigt eine mit dem Computer simulierte Raumsituation, die den Schatten einer fiktiven Person am Eingang zum Ausstellungsraum inmitten des von der Sonne projizierten Türabschnitts schwarz an die Wand wirft.
  • Fake Charity Auction

    Presentation of the students of the studio of Sculpture and Spatial Strategies, Iman Issa.
    18.00 h Performances


    Sculpture Studios/ EG 23

    Fine Arts

  • zwischenwurzeln - between the roots - art students at a forest museum

    An exhibition project by the studio Expanded Pictorial Space-Action/Sculpture/Installation. At the opening there will be a funeral for a tree with a procession starting in the local chapel accompanied by the horns of the Reiflinger Bläser.


    Forstmuseum Silvanum
    Großreifling 33
    8931 Landl

    Fine Arts

  • Life on its own

    An exhibition by the Studio of Object Sculpture, Julian Göthe, Gabriele Edlbauer and Michael Part.
    Opening: Ingeborg Erhart / Vice-Rector for Art and Teaching of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    Opening and summer party

    Fine Arts

  • Nicole Wermers: Women Between Buildings

    Guest lecture by Nicole Wermers as part of the IBK lecture series at the invitation of the Department of Sculpture and Installation.


    Sculpture Studios/ Project room 2, 104

    Fine Arts

    Nicole Wermers classically appealing female nudes lie on cleaning carts like those used in hotels.
  • When diversity moved to the family album …

    Artists Talk with Lisa Großkopf and Bernadette Anzengruber. Moderation: Romana Hagyo. An event on the occasion of the exhibition The Photo Album in cooperation with the studio Gender and Space. The talk will be in german.


    Mz*Baltazar’s Lab
    Jägerstraße 52-54
    1200 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation

    Opening of the exhibition Disagreements as Domains of Nausea and Elation at the Austrian Cultural Forum London in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Central Saint Martins London. An exhibition featuring the work of twelve early-career artists who work across installation, performance, painting, sculpture, sound and new media.


    Austrian Cultural Forum London
    28 Rutland Gate
    London SW7 1PQ

    Fine Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies

  • Georges Schwizgebel

    Guest lecture of the Laboratory for Artistic Animated Film.


    Studio Building/ 1. floor, studio south

    Fine Arts

  • "...I want to know what happens if we don't go..." Revisiting scenes of decolonial contention

    Workshop with lecture by Dr. Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur as part of the convivial workshop series (2022-2024), hosted and organized by the FWF PEEK research project “Conviviality as Potentiality: From Amnesia and Pandemic towards a Convivial Epistemology” (AR 679), led by Univ. Prof. Dr. Marina Gržinić (IBK/PCAP).
    Input in English, discussion in German and English.

    Workshop & Discussion

    Schillerplatz/ M20

    Fine Arts

  • Götz Bury's Chamber of Wonders – A look behind the scenes

    Lecture by Götz Bury as part of the IBK Lecture Series 2023, organized by the Metalworking Workshop.

    Lecture (German)

    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Fine Arts

  • FIGURE OF SPEECH: Talks on painting /Jana Euler

    Figure of Speech: talks on painting is a Lecture series initiated by the Studio for Figurative Painting where painters whose work has a bias towards figuration are invited to speak on their practice.


    Schillerplatz/ Conference room

    Fine Arts

  • Daniel Richter

    Screening of the film DANIEL RICHTER and following talk with Daniel Richter and Johan F. Hartle, Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. An event of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and FILMLADEN.

    Film and talk

    CineCenter Wien
    Fleischmarkt 6
    1010 Wien

    Fine Arts

    Daniel Richter with 2 parrots on hand

    Guest lecture by French filmmaker Eugène Gree. Studio for Art and Film.
    Followed by public film screening. Free admission.


    METRO Kinokulturhaus
    Johannesgasse 4
    1010 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Studio Building/ 1. floor, studio south

    Fine Arts

    Postcard style collage
  • Alfredo Barsuglia: everyday mimicry

    Lecture by Alfredo Barsuglia as part of the IBK Lecture Series 2023, organized by the Studio of Drawing with Prof. Veronika Dirnhofer. In his multimedia works, Barsuglia questions socio-politically relevant topics. The lecture will be held in German.

    Lecture (German)

    Schillerplatz/ M13a

    Fine Arts

    Person on the floor in a room, at the other side a small wooden house with a figure on top
  • FOCUS ON: Sasha Pirker

    The series FOCUS ON: ín the Breitenseer Lichtspiele provides insight into the work of the film artist Sasha Pirker, Studio for Video and Videoinstallation, who with her pointed short films has for many years occupied a fixed position at renowned international film festivals and in exhibition contexts.


    Breitenseer Lichtspiele
    Breitenseer Straße 21
    1140 Vienna

    Fine Arts

  • Nurturing friendship and solidarity

    Lecture by Siniša Ilić, organized by the Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices/IBK prof. Marina Grzinic.


    Studio Building/ 1. floor, studio south

    Fine Arts

    Drei schematische Hände vor blauem Hintergrund
  • Doing Things with Being Undone in the Necrocene

    IBK Lecture series, SoSe 2023. Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jill H. Casid (U.S.), organized by the Studio for Post-conceptual Art Practices/Prof. Marina Gržinić.


    Online via Zoom

    Fine Arts

    Portrait of woman in leather jacket