List of entries
Exhibition tour pornotopia revised
Exhibition tour with the curators Sarah Held, Sylvia Sadzinski
WUK Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus
Währinger Straße 59
1090 WienEducation in the Arts
#Didaktik - From clouds to grounds: Making visible AI's material
The lecture series #DIDAKTIK takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.
Lecture by Ariana Dongus
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Pimmel Porn Protest & Boris Gay
In the framework of the performance lecture “Pimmel Porn Protest”, porn beyond the mainstream will be presented, screened, contextualised, and followed by a discussion.
WUK Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus
Währinger Straße 59
1090 WienEducation in the Arts
Post Grad Life – Berufseinstieg Schule
Bei der Online-Veranstaltung Berufseinstieg – Schule gibt es die Möglichkeit, mit relevanten Akteur_innen Fragen rund um den Berufseinstieg an der Schule zu diskutieren.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Inclusion Moves – Body Awareness and Self Reflection (Workshop)
Workshop with Elisabeth Löffler, Performance Artist at MellowYellow, MAD Mixed-Abled Dance. An event of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education , Summer Term 2022.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
One Day Exhibition IKL: Nehmet und Esset
Presentation by Jana Straßer as part of the One Day Exhibitions series.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien
Education in the Arts
Nicolas Cilins - Talk to me! Justin Bartley, Karen Cooper, Regino Houedanou on their remote working conditions
The lecture series #DIDAKTIK takes place as an international cooperation between the Department of Art and Education (Kunst und Bildung, IKL) and the Art Education programme at the Bern University of the Arts and will continue in the fall semester.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Inclusive Education: A Political Project AND Education for ALL Learners. An Introduction
Lecture and discussion with Oliver Koenig, Univ. Prof. at Bertha von Suttner Private University, and Iris Kopera, artist and activist. An event of the subject Pedagogy, Arts and Culture (KKP) as part of the lecture series Inclusion – Impulses and Challenges for Schooling and Education , Summer Term 2022.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
One Day Exhibition IKL: Imprint of a...
Presentation by Jacob Bartmann as part of the One Day Exhibitions series.
Education in the Arts
Feminist Night Scapes
Nightwalk Feminist Nightscapes is curated by Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Claudia Lomoschitz
Feminist Nightscapes findet im Rahmen der Eröffnung der von Martin Beck, Sabeth Buchmann und Stephanie Damianitsch kuratierten Ausstellung Einrichtung und Gegebenheit: Infrastruktur als Form und Handlung statt.
Zoom Link:
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Globalising Feminist History
Lecture by Lucy Delap for Figurations of Gender, Difference and Identity - Ideological Grips, Authoritarian Turns, Popularization of Violence , a series of events at the Institute for Education in the Art IKL conceptualized and organized by Elke Gaugele and Elke Krasny.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
One Day Exhibition IKL: The IKL Atelier is present
The presentation takes place in the One Day Exhibitions series, in which students from the faculty of Kunst und Bildung and Gestaltung im Kontext present artistic and designed works in the context of their work. These will take place every three weeks in the winter semester 2021/22 online in the Virtual Gallery IKL ( ).
The event will take place online. The Zoom room will be open between 10:00 and 18:00 and can be visited at any time at:
Education in the Arts
Girl Gangs over Vienna - Activist Workshop and Feminist Street Art with Girl Gangs against Street Harassment
The annual period 16 Days against Violence against Women* , which takes place in November and December, marks misogynous socio-cultural and socio-political conditions in society. In cooperation with the feminist art space alpha nova & galerie futura (Berlin) , the art scholar Sarah Held organizes a series of events at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, which deals theoretically, artistically and activistically with sexualized violence.
8 participants maximum
Registration at
CoVid regulation 2G: vaccinated, pcr tested
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 2.11
Education in the Arts
textile work as a form of self-empowerment w/ Adi Liraz
The annual period 16 Days against Violence against Women* , which takes place in November and December, marks misogynous socio-cultural and socio-political conditions in society. In cooperation with the feminist art space alpha nova & galerie futura (Berlin) , the art scholar Sarah Held organizes a series of events at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, which deals theoretically, artistically and activistically with sexualized violence.
8 participants maximum
Registration at
CoVid-Regulation 2G: vaccinated, pcr-testedCancelled
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Memory in the post-imperial society
Lecture by Mark Terkessidis as part of Figurations of Gender, Difference and Identity - Ideological Grips, Authoritarian Turns, Popularization of Violence. A series of events at the Institute for Education in the Art IKL (in German) conceptualized and organized by Elke Gaugele and Elke Krasny.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
The lecture series #DIDAKTIK Articulations, Algorithms, Infrastructures and Social Media in Critical Art Education in Digital Times poses new questions in the context of the increased use of digital technology in art education.
Memetische Gegenöffentlichkeiten: Digitale Faschismen und rechte Gefühlskollektive
Lecture by Simon StrickZoom:
Meeting-ID: 992 2669 5555
Kenncode: 220558Online
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
One Day Exhibition IKL: Losing Touch
The presentation takes place in the One Day Exhibitions series, in which students from the faculty of Kunst und Bildung and Gestaltung im Kontext present artistic and designed works in the context of their work. These will take place every three weeks in the winter semester 2021/22 online in the Virtual Gallery IKL ( ).
Education in the Arts
Nina Serulus: Building a feminist knowledge network. Wiki Women Design
Zoom Link:
Guest lecture by Nina Serulus organized by Elke Krasny, Head of Art and Education Program at the Institute of Education in the Arts.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
On the Materiality of Feminist Resistance. Textile Agency against Sexualized Violence and Femicides
The annual period 16 Days against Violence against Women* , which takes place in November and December, marks misogynous socio-cultural and socio-political conditions in society. In cooperation with the feminist art space alpha nova & galerie futura (Berlin) , the art scholar Sarah Held organizes a series of events at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, which deals theoretically, artistically and activistically with sexualized violence.
Online talk and book launch
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
ÜBERSCHREITEN UND ÜBEREIGNEN | Urban dramaturgies, curatorial practices, expanded spaces
As part of the project Architecture and Space for the Performing Arts: Developments since the 1960s, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In cooperation with brut, gfzk Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Schauspielhaus Wien.
Admission free - registration required (limited number of places):
The conference will be streamed in full. (Zoom link after registration)Schauspielhaus Wien, Porzellangasse 19, 1090 Wien und brut nordwest, Nordwestbahnstraße 8-10, 1200 Wien
Education in the Arts
One Day Exhibition IKL: Modern Stalking
The presentation takes place in the One Day Exhibitions series, in which students from the faculty of Kunst und Bildung and Gestaltung im Kontext present artistic and designed works in the context of their work. These will take place every three weeks in the winter semester 2021/22 both at the IKL and online in the Virtual Gallery IKL ( ).
Institute for Education in the Arts (IKL), Karl-Schweighofergasse 3, 1070 Vienna, 2.10
Education in the Arts
Neo-Orientalismus und Sexualpolitik
Vortrag von Gabriele Dietze im Rahmen der Reihe Figurationen von Geschlecht, Differenz und Identität - Ideologische Zugriffe, Autoritäre Wenden, Popularisierung von Gewalt am Institut für das Künstlerische Lehramt IKL.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
In D/ialog: Politics of Resisting Voices / Politics of Listening
In D/ialog - Politics of Resisting Voices / Politics of Listening ist eine zweitägige Veranstaltung von D/Arts – Projektbüro für Diversität und urbanen Dialog. In Kooperation mit der Allianz Kunst und Bildung gegen Rassismus und Faschismus – Eine Initiative der künstlerischen Lehramtsstudien an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien und der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, der Kunsthalle Wien, kültüř gemma! und SOHO in Ottakring. D/Arts ist ein Projektbüro im Auftrag der Brunnenpassage Wien.
Kunsthalle Wien, Museumsquartier, Kunsthalle Wien/Karlsplatz, SOHO Studios, Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Wien
Education in the Arts
Danzas Climáticas (Klimatische Tänze)
Amanda Piña in Kooperation mit Studierenden des Instituts für das künstlerische Lehramt, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.
Eine Kooperation der Kunsthalle Wien und der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien im Rahmen der Ausstellung And if I devoted my life to one of its feathers?
Kunsthalle Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1010 Wien
Education in the Arts
Das Videoformat Hausführung stellt in wöchentlich erscheinenden Episoden Arbeitsräume des Instituts für das künstlerische Lehramt vor und ermöglicht Besucher_innen eine virtuelle Besichtigung von Räumen, Maschinen und Arbeitsmitteln.
Videos online unter: permanent abrufbar.
Education in the Arts
Online Workshop mit Betina Aumair & Brigitte Theiß.
Eine Kooperation der künsterlischen Lehramstudien an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Organisiert von den Studentischen Mitarbeiter_innen der Fachbereiche Kunst und Bildung und Gestaltung im Kontext.
Zoom Link:
Meeting-ID: 918 3026 1395
Kenncode: Y9vHrVWorkshop
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Looking at the Stories / Körper im Kontext
Präsentation der Arbeiten von Veza Czyn, Lydia Hinteregger und Sandra Bayer im Rahmen des Ausstellungsformats One Day Exhibition von Studierenden der Fachbereiche Kunst und Bildung und Gestaltung im Kontext.
One Day Exhibition
Education in the Arts
A GLIMPSE | Der Kunst ihre Praxis
Die Ausstellung zeigt Masterprojekte, die im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung Künstlerische Praxis / Künstlerische Kunstvermittlungspraxis von Isa Rosenberger am Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt an der Akadamie der bildenden Künste Wien entwickelt wurden.
Soft Opening
SOHO STUDIOS - Freiraum, Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Wien
Education in the Arts
A GLIMPSE | To art its practice
The exhibition shows master projects developed in the course Artistic Practice / Artistic Art Education Practice by Isa Rosenberger at the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
SOHO STUDIOS - Freiraum, Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Vienna
Education in the Arts
Performativer Rundgang Althangrund
Die von Carla Bobadilla geleitete Lehrveranstaltung Künstlerische Kunstvermittlung widmet sich in Kooperation mit der Initiative Althangrund geschichtspolitischen Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof.
Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof, Julius Tandler Platz 3, 1090 Wien
Education in the Arts