List of entries
For an antiracist, decolonial feminist politics of protection
Two lectures by Françoise Vergès and Teresa Awa, followed by a conversation, organized by the Institute for Education in the Arts and the Institute for Art Theory and Cultural Studies.
Schillerplatz/ Conference room
Education in the Arts , Art Theory and Cultural Studies
The Magic Mountain
Film Screening, Lectures, and Conversation with Micol Roubini and Gabi Scardi. This event is part of the Ecologies of Care Seminar convened and organized by the Program for Art and Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory, and Kunsthalle Wien; supported by ERSTE Foundation.
Filmscreening & Talk
Kunsthalle Wien
1040 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Beef up the Crafts! Impulses for Secondary Education in “Technology and Design” – Part II
Inputs by Mag. Erwin-Georg Neubacher (WRG Salzburg, University Mozarteum Salzburg) and Mag. Evelyn Dechant-Tucheslau (school develment counselor, supervision & coaching).
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
We would like to meet regularly to read texts*, discuss them and share different reading techniques.
Reading Club
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Vienna, 4. floor, 4.19
Education in the Arts
Cultural Sustainability in Craft Ecosystems: Decolonial Perspectives on India’s Handmade Industry
Lecture by Laya Chirravuru organized by Elke Gaugele and Sarah Held, studio for Fashion and Styles (IKL). In Englisch
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Situating Race in Fashion Studies: Key Concepts
In her guest lecture, Kimberly M. Jenkins will share her proposed framework for situating race in fashion studies, discuss what the process of running The Fashion and Race Database platforms looks like today, and share the joys and hardships of examining 'fashion and race' publicly.
The lecture will be held in english.
Lecture (English)
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Fashion Academics Creating Equality (FACE)
Lecture by Benita Odogwu-Atkinson on FACE and Social Justice organized by the studio for Fashion and Styles.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 1.06
Education in the Arts
Seminar of Care
Co-organized by David Graeber Institute and the Program for Art and Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Feminist Methodologies. Two Lectures
As part of the Feminist Methodologies symposium, Athena Athanasiou and Elena Tzelepis will give two talks on queer feminist knowledge production and issues of the wake, and on the dimension of the political in art and the tragic as situated knowledge.
Schillerplatz/ Anatomy Hall
Education in the Arts
Related Sites: Resistant Collectivities, Healing Epistemologies
Lectureperformance by Joulia Strauss with an Ancent Greek Lyre and Vietnamese Qi Gong.
Lecture Performance
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
La fille d’O
Murielle Victorine Scherre presents her lingerie brand la fille d'O and answers questions from the audience. The talk will be held online in English.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
The wonderful world of sewing boxes: between individuality and contemporary taste
Lecture by Heike Derwanz in the context of the re:pair FESTIVAL.
Volkskundemuseum Wien
Laudongasse 15–19
1080 ViennaEducation in the Arts
mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna
(Fanny Hensel Hall, mdw Campus, Building C)Education in the Arts
Please repair!
Lecture / field report by Valerie Lange in the context of the re:pair FESTIVAL.
Kulturhaus Brotfabrik
Absberggasse 27, Stiege 3
1100 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Per EduArt | Talks about the Publications
The series Per EduArt. Kunstpädagogische Materialien für Studium und Schule is aimed at those involved in teaching artistic and creative subjects. The first four volumes are presented.
Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
Breite Gasse 3
1070 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Living on the Intersection of Kink, Consent & Race
A Talk with Mollena Lee Williams-Haas organized and financed by the Equal Opportunities Team (AfG), Gender&Space Professorship and the Institute for Education in the Arts.
Schillerplatz/ M13a
Education in the Arts , Fine Arts , Academy
Beef up the Crafts! Impulses for Secondary Education in “Technology and Design”
The event brings together experts from schools, universities and pedagogical colleges to develop ideas for strengthening the subject of technical an textile crafts / technology and design.
Inputs and Table Talks (German)
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.12
Education in the Arts
Inclusion - Impulses and challenges for school and teaching
Expert discussion on the practice of bilingual teaching with Gülsün Toluay in the series Inklusion - Bildungswissenschaftliche und fachdidaktische Impulse organized by the studio for Pedagogy, Arts and Culture. The event will be held in German.
Lecture and discussion
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Finding Tools, Working on Ideas—Digital Didactics in Art Education—an Open Educational Resource for Art Education
Lecture by Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt and Franziska Thurner as part of the series #DIDAKTIK.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Lecture by Carol Tulloch, Professor of Dress, Diaspora and Transnationalism, University of the Arts London (UAL), based at Chelsea College of Arts.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 2.11
Education in the Arts
Doing Inclusion. Art education as a critical diversity practice
Lecture by Annemarie Hahn, University of Applied Sciences Bern and College of Education Bern
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Lecture by Anna Carnapim as part of the #Didactics series, Art and Education.
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Post Grad Life – Career entry School
The event Career entry School offers the opportunity to discuss questions about career entry at school with relevant stakeholders.
Talk (German)
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Moving Inclusion – Body experience and self-reflection
Workshop by Elisabeth Löffler, Performance Artist, MellowYellow, MAD Mixed-Abled Dance
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Bio trifft Kunst
A project by BIO AUSTRIA and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Education in the Arts.
IG Bildende Kunst
Gumpendorfer Straße 10-12
1060 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Bio trifft Kunst
A project by BIO AUSTRIA and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Education in the Arts.
IG Bildende Kunst
Gumpendorfer Straße 10-12
1060 ViennaEducation in the Arts
Inclusive Education as a political project and pedagogy for all learners. An Introduction.
Lecture and Discussion with Oliver König, professor at the Bertha von Suttner Private University and Iris Kopera, artist and activist.
Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse/ 3.06
Education in the Arts
Tiara Roxanne: On Data Colonialism
Keynote Lecture of the Digital Didactics in Art Education Conference
Online via Zoom
Education in the Arts
Digital Didactics in Art Education
Final Conference of the two-year project funded by the European Union,
OeAD | Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic PartnershipsConference
Studio Building/ 2. floor, Multi-Purpose Space
Education in the Arts
Ben Barry: Microcultures of Love: Towards Systemic Change in Fashion
Lecture by Ben Barry, School of Fashion at Parsons School of Design, The New School, New York, organized by the PhD Seminar in Fashion and Styles at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Education in the Arts