Liste der Einträge
Crit-Cross: A Forum on Art Criticism #17
Im Rahmen des Spring Curatorial Program 2022: Art Geographies.
Diskussion moderiert von Klaus Speidel
Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
Breite Gasse 3
1070 WienIKW
Breaking Binaries: How Biennials Forged a New Cartography
Im Rahmen des Spring Curatorial Program 2022: Art Geographies.
Vortrag von Kate Sutton
mumok kino
Museumsplatz 1
1070 WienIKW
Invisible Constellations and Sunken Archipelagos
Im Rahmen des Spring Curatorial Program 2022: Art Geographies.
Vortrag von Bouchra Khalili
mumok kino
Museumsplatz 1
1070 WienIKW
Weaving the Old World’s Shroud: Decolonization, Arts, Struggles
Im Rahmen des Spring Curatorial Program 2022: Art Geographies.
Vortrag von Françoise Vergès
Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
Breite Gasse 3
1070 WienIKW
Reweaving our world(s) anew: decolonial art geographies as spaces of “refuturing”
Im Rahmen des Spring Curatorial Program 2022: Art Geographies.
Vortrag von Madina Tlostanova
mumok kino
Museumsplatz 1
1070 WienIKW
The Formation of an Ambience: The First Exhibition of Brazilian Contemporary Art in Austria (1959-1960)
Lecture by Susanne Neubauer in collaboration with Marcelo Mari as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
Sensitive female universes: considerations on the work of the Hungarian-Brazilian artist Yolanda Mohalyi
Lecture by Ana Avelar as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
INVITATION – FANTASTIC WEDNESDAY – Rehema Chachage and Valerie Asiimwe Amani
The PhD in Practice program invites you to the coming ‘Fantastic Wednesday’ with Rehema Chachage and Valerie Asiimwe Amani. Join us!
Schillerplatz/ Turm 2, DG06
From Energy to the Arts: Navigating Complexities in Brazil”
Lecture by Dominika Glogowski as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
Out of Brazil: The ethnographic collections at the Weltmuseum Wien
Lecture by Claudia Augustat as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
Wanda Hanke’s Ethnological Collections in South American Museums
Lecture by Mariana Sombrio as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
Invention of the Baroque and Discourses of the Neo-Baroque: Politics and Religion in Austria, Brazil and the Philippines
Lecture by Jens Baumgarten as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
Gelebte Revolution. Anarchismus in der Kibbuzbewegung
Buchvorstellung mit dem Übersetzer Lou Marin
Schillerplatz/ M20
Foto Wien - TALK: Beyond the Margins: zu Fotobüchern von Frauen
Unter Teilnahme von : Eugenia Maximova, Mareike Stoll, Agnes Prammer, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien und Katharina Steidl, Institut für Kunst-und Kulturwissenschaften, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Moderation: Vreni Hockenjos.
FOTO WIEN Festivalzentrale, Atelier Augarten, Scherzergasse 1A, 1020 Wien
How many we(s) fit into a "we"? On the contraction and expansion of collective identities in Oswald de Andrade’s Anthropophagic Manifest.
Lecture by Guilherme Mata as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
The Place of Brazil in Time: The contributions of Oswald de Andrade and Stefan Zweig
Lecture by Laura Erber as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research webinar
Mshika—Shika: Black market sound and guerrilla poetics
The PhD in Practice and Depot Kunst und Diskussion would like to invite you to the Fantastic Wednesday / PhD in Context event with Masimba Hwati , in conversation with a guest— Eleftherios Krysalis .
Depot - Kunst und Diskussion, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien
Foto Wien: Symposium FOTOTECHNIKa
Technikaffine Fotografinnen sind die Protagonistinnen und Themen des Symposiums FOTOTECHNIKa mit Vorträgen und künstlerischen Präsentationen von Caroline Heider, Ruth Horak, Ulrike Matzer, Lisa Rastl, Claudia Rohrauer und Katharina Steidl der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.
FOTO WIEN Festivalzentrale, Atelier Augarten, Scherzergasse 1A, 1020 Wien
1922 - A Year of the Transmodern
Lecture by Christian Kravagna as part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Research Webinar
Online via Zoom
The parrot and the rabbit
Ana Magalhães & Sabeth Buchmann: presentation of the programme
As part of the lecture series Transatlantic Modernities between Brazil and Austria.
Lecture by Camila Sposati
Online via Zoom